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Tag : Jobseeker

Vulnerable groups missing out on COVID-19 support

Luke Michael, Friday, 17th July 2020 -  New research calls for the government to widen its support during the coronavirus crisis Australia’s COVID-19 response needs a stronger focus on the structural problems

Charity sector calls for JobSeeker to be raised permanently

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 14th July 2020 -  Anti-poverty advocates say that welfare payments must be raised above the poverty line, following new survey findings  Failing to permanently raise the JobSeeker payment would

Faith without work(ers) is dead

John Falzon, Saturday, 4th July 2020 -  To slash JobSeeker and kick people off JobKeeper is not an act of faith, it is an act of unmitigated viciousness, writes Dr John Falzon, who says it’s time we reaffirm the connection

Tips for young jobseekers trying to find work during COVID-19

Luke Michael, Monday, 1st June 2020 -  We take a look at what young people can do to get their career up and running if they are stuck in a rut Finding a job as a young person is hard enough during the best of times, let alone during

Three reasons why volunteering now is great for the community and your career

Maggie Coggan, Sunday, 17th May 2020 -  We sit down with the head of Volunteering Australia to find out more  Thanks to lockdown restrictions, most of us have had a lot of spare time on our hands.  While you could bake another

Through no fault of their own

Augustine Zycher, Wednesday, 6th May 2020 -  It took COVID-19 for people to recognise that without the unpaid, low paid or the lowly paid work of women, society could not function, writes Augustine Zycher, who highlights three

Thinking of jumping onto the NFP ship? Here’s what you need to do

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 9th August 2019 -  If you’re getting tired of your corporate gig, a job in the for-purpose sector could be the refresh you need. But where do you start? We asked former corporate-whiz turned World Vision

Federal Government to Overhaul of ‘Punitive’ and ‘Outdated’ Jobseeker Program

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 17th December 2018 -  An independent panel has found the federal government’s jobseeker program, Jobactive, to be punitive and digitally outdated, sparking a government commitment to overhaul the
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