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Ravin is currently working on the campaign to lower Australia's voting age as the National Media Lead and Victorian State Organiser for Make It 16. He is also a Youth Advisor for the Office for the Victorian Information Commissioner and a member of the Boroondara Youth Council. In his spare time, Ravin works closely with the Rotary Organisation, as the Chair of the District 9800 Interact..
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For over two decades Pro Bono Australia has been the preeminent voice for Australias' community and for purpose sectors
We have played a trusted and pivotal role in fostering a more cohesive and informed community sector serving a wonderfully dynamic cohort of changemakers and purpose-driven individuals.
Established as a “social purpose business venture” in 2000 (before the term social Enterprise was commonly referred to), Karen Mahlab AM created a information hub that gave voice to the emergence of many new movements now thriving in the social economy: collective impact, impact investing, social enterprise, philanthropy, volunteering, corporate social responsibility, shared value, impact measurement and more delivering information, products and services annually to millions of Australians working in the Not for Profit and for Purpose sectors as one of Australias’ first BCorps for a decade.
For two decades for-purpose leaders found out all they needed to know about Australia’s social economy through Pro Bono Australia’s Media services and resources. A generation of people knew us as the “go to” source.