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Tag : Jobseeker

‘This budget falls drastically short for Australians doing it tough’

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 7th October 2020 -  The social sector has expressed its disappointment over the federal budget which it says leave too many behind The Morrison government’s message to Australians was that “we have

What the social sector will be looking for on budget night

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 6th October 2020 -  We speak to experts across the sector about what they are hoping to see  It’s being hailed as one of the most important federal budgets in 75 years. A far cry from the surplus budget a year

How to find a job when you feel like there are none

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 2nd October 2020 -  We share some of the best ways to get back on a path to career success  In May, the Treasury estimated that around 1 million Aussies would be out of work during the pandemic.  With entire

Councils sign on to help temporary visa holders

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 1st October 2020 -  There are over 2 million migrant workers, refugees, asylum seekers and international students who have been without financial support during the pandemic  Local councils are being

Want to nail your morning routine? Here’s how you can do it

Maggie Coggan, Sunday, 20th September 2020 -  Ironing out your morning routine could get you ahead of the job seeking game  For most people, finding a sense of routine has been one of the most important things getting them through

COVID-19 leaves community sector ‘approaching crisis point’

Luke Michael, Friday, 18th September 2020 -  Workers in the community sector have reported feeling “exhausted and burned out” Community sector leaders warn that organisations will not be able to cope with surging COVID-fueled

Close to 150,000 jobs at risk due to welfare cuts

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 15th September 2020 -  Community groups say welfare recipients are facing a deeply uncertain future  The looming cuts to the Coronavirus Supplement will cost the economy billions of dollars and could result

How to re-enter the workforce when you’re not so young anymore

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 11th September 2020 -  Ageism in the workforce can start at as young as 45. We take a look at how to navigate the job market as a not-so-young person  The economic chaos of this year has meant a lot of people have

ACT poverty, #HereForSA, and the case for a permanent, adequate JobSeeker rate

Contributor, Wednesday, 9th September 2020 -  All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.


ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie made the case for a permanent, adequate JobSeeker rate at the National Press

‘Now is not the time to cut the coronavirus supplement’

Conny Lenneberg, Friday, 4th September 2020 -  The $550 coronavirus supplement has transformed lives. As a sector, we must now work harder than ever to ensure the October budget includes enough funding to maintain it for the duration

Poverty is trapping women in abusive relationships

Cathy Humphreys, Wednesday, 26th August 2020 -  The Australian government’s JobSeeker and JobKeeper payments need to be recognised as crucial tools for preventing domestic and family violence – and need to be maintained, writes

‘Reintroducing the liquid asset test is mean spirited and unfair in the midst of a recession’

Rachel Siewert, Wednesday, 29th July 2020 -  If you make people spend all of their hard-earned savings before receiving income support then they are left in a precarious position, argues Greens Senator Rachel Siewert. We are
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