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Tag : Study

Early Results from Australia’s First CSV study

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 27th November 2013 -  Preliminary findings from Australia’s first study into Creating Shared Value (CSV) have been released at the CSV Forum in Melbourne. The study, The Potential for Creating

Older Aussies with Mental Illness Experience Lack of Care – Study

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th November 2013 -  A lack of support and rehabilitation services is one of the major concerns for older people living with mental illness, new research by an Australian health charity has found. SANE…

Australia’s Becoming a More Skilled Nation – Review

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th November 2013 -  More than half of working-age Australians have a higher level qualification, placing the nation ninth among OECD countries, a recent Council of Australian Governments Reform Council…

Home is Where the Work is – Study

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st October 2013 -  About 5.6 million Australians – more than half of the Australian workforce – used the internet to work away from the office, according to research from the Australian…

Less Time at the Desk Can Alleviate Depression – Study

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd September 2013 -  Researchers have found that spending less time sitting down could improve symptoms of depression. The study Sitting-time, physical activity and depressive symptoms in mid-aged

Racism Influences Health Outcomes – Study

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th September 2013 -  An international review led by the University of Melbourne has found children and young people experience poor mental health, depression and anxiety following experiences of racism.…

Program Gets Mature Workers Back on Their Feet

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd September 2013 -  A new program in Victoria will help mature aged workers get back into the workforce. Set to begin in early September, Experience + Work Ready will be a free program run by the Brotherhood…

Social Media a Tough Internal Sell for NFPs

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th August 2013 -  While social media is now seen as a necessary communication tool, many Not for Profits struggle to get senior management and the board on-side to understand the importance of the real…

Stigma Against Mental Illness -NFP Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 24th July 2013 -  A new study from mental health charity, SANE Australia, reports that stigma and discrimination against people with mental illness is widespread, harmful to recovery, and is a major…

Strong Public Trust in Aussie Charities

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th July 2013 -  Public trust in the Australian charity sector is high according to a study released by the new national charity regulator, the Australian Charities and Not­?for­?profits…

World Still Not Optimistic About Job Hunting

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st July 2013 -  The emerging markets of Thailand and Saudi Arabia led the world on job optimism last year, with a large percentage of residents believing it was a good time to find a job- but the majority…
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