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Tag : Study

Working Through Depression Key

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 11th September 2014 -  Continuing to work while suffering a depressive illness could help employees to better manage their depression more than taking sick leave, a new study has found. The joint study…

Suicide Not a ‘Selfish’ Act – NFP Report

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 24th July 2014 -  A Not for Profit study of Australians who have attempted suicide found many made the attempt feeling they were “a burden” and believed their family and friends would…

Asia-Pacific Consumers Most Committed to CSR – Report

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 16th July 2014 -  Fifty-five per cent of global online consumers across 60 countries say they are willing to pay more for products and services provided by companies that are committed to positive…

Professional Advisors and Philanthropy – Survey

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 29th April 2014 -  A new study is being undertaken as part of the QUT Business School’s research program into the willingness of professional advisers to discuss philanthropy with their clients.…

Online Fundraising Up – NFP Benchmark Study

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th April 2014 -  Monthly online giving to Not for Profits is up by 25 per cent with emails now accounting for one third of a charity’s online fundraising, according to an extensive benchmarking…

Luxury Cruises Come at Cost of CSR

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 9th April 2014 -  New research reveals that the cruise industry isn’t going far enough in its corporate social responsibility towards the environment, society and the destinations visited.…

Profiling the Sharing Economy

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th March 2014 -  A new report from the US has mapped the emerging ‘collaborative economy’ movement – warning corporates that they need to understand this trend of consumers sharing…

Confusion Over Paid Charity Workers Remains – Poll

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th March 2014 -  The public is happy to see charity shop managers draw a salary, but confusion remains over who is paid in charities, new UK research reveals. A poll, carried out by UK research consultancy…

Proof of Midlife Crisis

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th March 2014 -  Social economists from the University of Melbourne have confirmed the age-old suspicion of a dip in human happiness during middle age – the midlife crisis! The University…

International Financial Reporting Standards for NFPs?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th February 2014 -  A UK-based accountancy body has published the first international study into financial reporting for Not for Profit organisations, including Australia. The study, by the Consultative…

Aussies Less Charitable? – Survey

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th December 2013 -  A new nationwide survey says Australians are giving less to charity, with the average annual donation amount dropping from $317 to $283 – a trend not seen in other research in…
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