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Tag : Diversity

Diversity Reduces Community Fears – Study

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 16th August 2017 -  People living in more diverse suburbs are less likely to express or experience Islamophobia, according to new RMIT research. The study led by Associate Professor Val Colic-Peisker

Proposed Changes to Citizenship Not Good for Business

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 9th August 2017 -    The Diversity Council Australia (DCA) says proposed changes to Australia’s citizenship process would “not be good for business”. The not-for-profit workplace diversity

Teachers Not Equipped for Multicultural Classrooms

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 22nd March 2017 -  The next generation of Australian teachers are not “culturally competent” or equipped to work in multicultural classrooms, according to a new Western Australian study. The PhD

Truth in Advertising

Wendy Williams, Monday, 23rd January 2017 -  Cátia Malaquias is a lawyer, disability advocate and the founder and director of Starting With Julius, a Western Australian based project promoting the inclusion of people with

Workplace Diversity and Inclusion is ‘Vital’ in 2017

Wendy Williams, Friday, 13th January 2017 -  Diversity and inclusion is set to be a “vital business tool” in 2017, according to Diversity Council Australia which has outlined a number of “D and I challenges” for the year. The not-for-profit

Workforce Must Proactively Welcome People With Disability

Wendy Williams, Friday, 2nd December 2016 -  Australia needs to be more proactive in welcoming people with disability to the workplace, according to new research. The Disability Confidence Survey Report, which investigated

Cohesion Begins At a Community Level

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 20th September 2016 -  Communities are the heart and soul of our nation, according to a new discussion paper which argues social cohesion begins at a community level. The Scanlon Foundation released a discussion

Who’s Missing From Our TV Screens?

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 31st August 2016 -  People with disability are significantly underrepresented on Australian television, along with people of diverse sexual orientation or gender identity, according to a new industry…

Major Parties Respond to Diversity Peak Body

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 30th June 2016 -  The Coalition and Labor parties have released their pre-election policy statements on workplace diversity and inclusion to Diversity Council Australia (DCA), which includes…

Australian Tech Giant TechnologyOne Partners with the Tech Girls Movement

Wendy Williams, Monday, 6th June 2016 -  Not for Profit Tech Girls Movement has teamed up with Australian software giant TechnologyOne as part of their ongoing mission to support the development of a more diverse IT workforce

Diverse Workforce Benefits Ageing Population

Savannah Holliday, Monday, 18th April 2016 -  Pairing aged care residents with carers from a similar cultural and linguistic background is becoming more common as Australia copes with its aging multicultural population, according
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