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Tag : Funding

Legal Project Funding up for Grabs

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th December 2011 -  The Victorian Law Foundation is calling on organisations with a great legal project to start planning their grant application. Victoria Law Foundation awards $500,000 in grants

The Trust Company Announces $5 million in Strategic Partnerships – PILCH a Big Winner

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th November 2011 -  The Public Interest Law Clearing House VIC (PILCH) is one of the big winners in a commitment to three year funding announced by fund managers, The Trust Company today. PilchConnect…

New Funding to Celebrate Anniversary of the Canonisation of Australia’s First Saint

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th October 2011 -  Above: Australia’s first saint, MaryMacKillop, projected on the Sydney Harbour Bridge.  Image:  Some rights reserved by mickyg9

$1 Million Funding for Homelessness Program

Staff Reporter, Monday, 8th August 2011 -  The Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation has announced it will extend its funding of The Salvation Army’s ‘24/7 Melbourne’s Road Home’ homelessness…

The Cost of Raising a Pound – Perception and Reality

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th July 2011 -  Flickr Image: Some rights reserved by Funkdooby How much does it cost a charity to raise £1 from the public in the UK? Research by the Charities Aid Foundation…

Funding Boost for Foodbank Australia

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th May 2011 -  Not for Profit hunger-relief organisation Food Bank Australia, which supplies 2,500 community organisations with food and grocery supplies, has received a $4 million funding…

$16 Million Funding Extension for Community Projects

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st April 2011 -  60 community projects will receive a $16 million funding increase to strengthen vulnerable communities and support disadvantaged Australians, the Gillard Government has announced.…

New Support Service for Social Enterprises

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 2nd November 2010 -  The Federal Government has established of a national business development support service for social enterprises receiving Australian Government funding. The Gillard Government

Common Funding Agreement for Vic NFPs

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 28th September 2010 -  The Victorian Premier John Brumby has announced plans to develop a common funding agreement between Government and the Not for Profit sector. The announcement came as the Premier…

Forum Calls for Indigenous Employment Funding

Staff Reporter, Friday, 30th July 2010 -  Mining magnate and philanthropist Andrew Forrest says Australians must demand that governments provide funding to allow business to create sustainable employment for indigenous…

Direct NFP Funding In Labor’s Disability Policy

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 29th July 2010 -  A re-elected Labor Government would establish a new capital fund to build community-based supported accommodation places for people with disabilities.
Announcing the Gillard
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