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Tag : Funding

Foundations Funding – If The Slipper Fits

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th October 2005 -  The money can be found if the fit is right! That’s the message that came out of a session called ‘Meet the Grantmakers’ at the International Philanthropy Australia…

New Funds-National Pro Bono (Legal) Resource Ctr

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 13th July 2005 -  A new four-year funding arrangement from July 1 has enabled the National Pro Bono (Legal) Resource Centre to continue its work in promoting and supporting the delivery of pro bono…

Stronger Families Funding Round

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th April 2004 -  Applications are open for the first round of projects funded under the Federal Government’s $60 million Stronger Families and Communities Strategy Local Answers initiative.…

Community Legal Centres Funding Boost

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th August 2003 -  The Commonwealth Government has recently provided a funding boost to all of its community legal centres around Australia. The Government currently funds over 120 community legal…

Looking to Corporates-SPAN Volunteer Tutor Program

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd June 2003 -  Cobbling together project funds is not new for many small and enthusiastic Not for Profits around Australia. But for one community co-op in Melbourne’s north, which runs a…

“Big Boost” Finalists Get Serious

Staff Reporter, Monday, 18th November 2002 -  Social Ventures Australia’s ‘Getting Serious’ stage of its BIG BOOST business-plan challenge is on track with the announcement of ten finalists who have already…

Volunteers – Small Project Funding

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd April 2001 -  The International Year of Volunteers Small Grants Program has moved into stage two with hundreds of organisations about to be notified of their success in obtaining funding for their…
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