Committed to Helping New Mums
6 January 2014 at 10:37 am
Dedicated to helping pregnant women through crisis, Lynn Mabey is using her business skills to raise much needed funds for an important service. Mabey is this week’s Changemaker.
Mabey is Company Secretary for Pregnancy Help Australia Ltd – a national body which provides support, education and resources to life affirming Pregnancy Support Centres throughout Australia.
Mabey started working in Not for Profit pregnancy support when she joined Pregnancy Care Coffs Harbour as a volunteer pregnancy counsellor and in 2007 she was sitting on the board of Pregnancy Help Australia.
Soon after the joined the board, PHA’s Executive Officer resigned and Mabey stepped into the role. However when Federal Government funding ended, and the body was no longer able to fund the position, Mabey stood down.
However, Mabey’s still remains dedicated to PHA as Company Secretary, and is committed to keep the national body running.
Not only has she set up PHA head office in her investment property but continues to come up with new fundraising ideas – one idea was the PHA pendant, which is a keepsake for mothers and mothers-to-be designed by silversmith Jeramie Carter.
What are you currently working on in your organisation?
Financial campaigns to raise enough operational funds so our organisation can continue with its mission.
What drew you to the Not for Profit sector?
I’ve always been community minded and have been a volunteer in many Not for Profit groups wherever my family has been based, including Kununurra – WA, Strahan – Tasmania, Jindabyne – NSW, and now in Coffs Harbour where we currently reside.
How long have you been working in the Not for Profit sector?
My volunteering work in this sector commenced in the early ‘80s when I became a Brownie Leader for the WA Girl Guides in Kununurra WA
What was your first job in the Not for Profit sector?
As a “paid” employee – Executive Officer for Pregnancy Help Australia Limited
What is the most rewarding part of your work?
Coordinating three national conferences which were held in WA, SA and Queensland, and initiating the Rev Dr Daniel Ch. Overduin (Excellence in Service) Award from within our membership.
It is always valuable when individuals are formally recognised and acknowledged by their peers for their contribution to their agency and therefore community. (See Award image below)
What has been the most challenging part of your work?
Sourcing quality speakers and presenters (cheaply or FOC) and delegate logistics for the national conferences. Using my organisational and negotiating skills.
Favourite saying…
keep smiling
Through your work, what is your ultimate dream?
To be able to secure enough sustainable funds so PHA can re-establish a fully staffed national office.