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Tag : Australia

Fundraising rules to be harmonised nationally

Isabelle Oderberg, Thursday, 16th February 2023 -  In a move that could save the charity sector $1 million a month and many admin headaches, fundraising regulations will be consistent across the country for the first time. Andrew Leigh

Australia is getting a wellbeing budget: what we can – and can’t – learn from New Zealand

Contributor, Wednesday, 13th July 2022 -  Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers has confirmed Australia will follow Aotearoa New Zealand’s example and put wellbeing at the centre of the national budget. So what is a wellbeing budget?

How effectively do Australian grants match UN SDGs?

Jonathan Alley, Tuesday, 29th March 2022 -  A new report takes a look at $6 billion distributed via the SmartyGrants platform in eight years. A new report by Our Community has examined how effectively Australian grantmakers

Australia’s social progress ranking hurt by poor environmental performance

Luke Michael, Monday, 23rd September 2019 -  Australia is lagging well behind other countries when it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, according to new research measuring the nation’s social progress. The 2019

Why NFPs Should Volunteer to File a Modern Slavery Statement

Rob Jackson, Thursday, 26th July 2018 -  Australia’s Modern Slavery Bill could become law this year so legal expert Rob Jackson tells us what not-for-profits need to know. The bill was conceived to prompt businesses to consider

Why Investing in an Awards Event Brings Results

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 25th July 2018 -  You can’t be what you can’t see, a saying goes. So for an organisation, investing in an annual awards event is an effective way to model good practice and escalate positive change, a

Social Sector on Notice to Prepare for Population Debate

Paul Carter, Wednesday, 18th July 2018 -  Government celebrations about a superior vetting process thankfully driving down the migrant intake are disingenuous and instead represent a shame, a national peak body says.     


UN Set To Review Australia’s Record On Women’s Rights – And May Find it Wanting

Contributor, Saturday, 30th June 2018 -  We’re seeing little improvement on women’s rights and a concerning deterioration in some areas, write Maria Nawaz and Anna Cody from Kingsford Legal Centre, UNSW, in this article

On Marriage Equality, Australia’s Progressive Instincts Have Been Crushed by Political Failure

Frank Bongiorno, Tuesday, 19th September 2017 -  It is surely deficiencies in our recent democracy rather than deeper historical or cultural issues that lie at the heart of our failure to resolve the issue of same-sex marriage, writes

Australia Rates Third in World Giving Index

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 26th October 2016 -  Australian has been rated as the third most generous nation in the latest Charities Aid Foundation global giving index. For the first time since the CAF World Giving Index began, more

Fulbright Seeks NFP Leaders for Exchange Opportunities in US

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th June 2016 -  The Australian-American Fulbright Commission is calling for applications from emerging leaders in the Not for Profit sector to undertake a program of research and/or professional

Aus Religious Leaders in Global Call on Climate Change

Eisha Gupta , Tuesday, 19th April 2016 -  A group of senior Australian religious leaders and their international counterparts have signed a document calling on governments around the world to take decisive action on climate
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