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Female Philanthropists Advancing Women’s Health and Education

Tabitha Lovett, Tuesday, 8th March 2016 -  Although often seen as the domain of wealthy patriarchs, women have historically taken a leading role in the establishment of philanthropic foundations, and on International Women’s


How to Stuff-up Good Policy, Reduce Philanthropy and Hurt Charities

David Crosbie, Thursday, 3rd March 2016 -  The government’s proposed regulatory changes to private charitable foundations are not about encouraging philanthropy or strengthening the community, but about appeasing a


Please, Not Another Charity!

Sue Murray, Tuesday, 1st March 2016 -  People thinking of starting a new charity should partner with an existing one instead, writes Sue Murray, CEO of Suicide Prevention Australia. In all my years of working in the Not…


Paving the Way for a National Social Innovation Strategy

Krystian Seibert, Thursday, 25th February 2016 -  Australia needs a National Social Innovation Strategy which considers all the policy levers at the government’s disposal to support social innovation and enterprise, writes Policy


Developmental Evaluation – Time to Act

Kerry Graham, Wednesday, 24th February 2016 -  It’s time for a different approach to evaluation if Australia is to tackle its most complex problems, writes collective impact specialist, Kerry Graham. Complex problems are hard…


Curiosity, Caution and Social Impact Bonds

Tony Pietropiccolo AM, Wednesday, 24th February 2016 -  For supporters of social impact bonds, the model is hailed as a new way of funding social services, but they are not as simple as they first appear, writes Tony Pietropiccolo AM, Director


Social Ventures Sector Needs a Peak Body

Theo Campbell, Wednesday, 27th January 2016 -  A fixation with sustainable business models should not hinder the growth of social enterprises in Australia. Instead, entrepreneurs should be advocating for a well resourced peak


Assessing Social Enterprise Impact – Are We Looking at the Right Stuff?

Alan Kay, Wednesday, 27th January 2016 -    How can social enterprises ensure they are maximising their social and environmental impact? Alan Kay, coordinator of the UK’s Social Audit Network, explores “social accounting”


Put Ego Aside in Favor of Mergers

Paul Ronalds, Wednesday, 11th November 2015 -  Too few sector leaders are challenging themselves to put organisational ego aside and focus on whether they are most effectively achieving their mission, writes CEO of Save the Children


Saving the ACNC

Contributor, Tuesday, 26th May 2015 -  The Not for Profit sector’s successful fight to defend the national charity regulator puts the ACNC in a stellar position to get on with the job, writes former Federal Labor media advisor,
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