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What Is the Role of Funders in Social Impact Matters?

Alan Kay, Wednesday, 15th March 2017 -  Often philanthropists are not familiar or experienced enough in local issues to be dictating how social impact is reported, writes Alan Kay, coordinator of the UK’s Social Audit


The Difference Between the WA NDIS and the Real NDIS

Bruce Bonyhady, Thursday, 2nd March 2017 -  The WA National Disability Insurance Scheme is a deeply flawed agreement imposing  unnecessary financial costs on all West Australians, writes the man credited with being the


The Tipping Point?

David Crosbie, Thursday, 2nd March 2017 -  The charities sector has experienced unprecedented growth over the last decade, but there is increasing evidence that the trend upwards is at best levelling out and at worst starting


Making the NDIS Work for Young People in Aged Care

Luke Bo'sher, Thursday, 2nd March 2017 -  Young people in aged care are struggling to get onto the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Commonwealth and state governments, as well as the NDIA, need to take action, writes…


NFP Mergers – Survivors are the Most Adaptable to Change

Paul Ronalds, Monday, 27th February 2017 -  To survive in an increasingly highly-competitive and resource-constrained market, the NGO sector must get creative and start working more closely together, writes Paul Ronalds


Beyond a Strong Fundraising Code of Conduct

Lisa Grinham, Friday, 24th February 2017 -  While a revised fundraising code of practice is welcome, the responsibility for any charter in this space is to be visionary and bold, writes Good2Give CEO Lisa Grinham. This week


Housing Affordability Watchlist for 2017

Andrew Cairns, Thursday, 23rd February 2017 -  When it comes to affordable housing Australia needs to triple its efforts to catch up to the growing need, writes Community Sector Banking CEO Andrew Cairns who offers his housing…


No Pathway to Release

Patrick McGee, Monday, 20th February 2017 -  The justice system doesn’t know how to respond to disability, particularly for Indigenous Australians, writes Patrick McGee who addressed the inaugural Australian Lawyers for


The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations

Kelly Vincent, Monday, 20th February 2017 -  One of the biggest barriers to people with disability getting a job is the culture of low expectation, writes Kelly Vincent MLC from Dignity Party. In Australia, 82 per cent of people


Politicians Score an Own-Goal with the NDIS

Andrew Donne, Thursday, 16th February 2017 -  Pitting welfare and families against the National Disability Insurance Scheme is just creating a humiliating hierarchy of need, writes Endeavour Foundation chief executive Andrew…


Investing in Our Future and the Role of New Capital Markets

David Crosbie, Thursday, 16th February 2017 -  If Australia wants impact investing to work better, the charity sector needs to be actively involved in the critical discussions, including the current government consultation
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