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Tough Times?

David Crosbie, Thursday, 13th April 2017 -  There are flaws in Australia’s “tough times” narrative and concerned charities should understand that this discourse is not about our economy but about politics, writes David Crosbie,


Letting Go

Stephanie Lorenzo, Wednesday, 12th April 2017 -  Letting go and passing the control of an organisation over to someone else is always going to be hard, but it is something that needs talking about, writes PROJECT FUTURES founder Stephanie


The Evolution of Housing for People with Disabilities

George Taleporos, Tuesday, 11th April 2017 -  Australia needs to work towards a future where the disability service system and housing solutions work together and where the current limits to choice and control are progressively


Social Impact in Arts: Measuring the Immeasurable

Elise Harper, Tuesday, 11th April 2017 -  Greater recognition of the true value of the arts will lead to improved funding, partnerships, growth and innovation opportunities, writes Ellis Jones senior consultant in social


Sticking to Our Knitting

David Crosbie, Thursday, 30th March 2017 -  Minister Dutton and the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Register of Environmental Organisations have done civil society a service by encouraging us to think about our purpose and


Resilience in Rural Australia is Becoming a Core Competency

Natalie Egleton, Thursday, 30th March 2017 -  As Queensland looks to its recovery from Cyclone Debbie it’s timely to reflect on resilience, the challenges for communities and the need to develop a skillset that promotes greater…


Learning to Trust NDIS Providers

Bill Gamack, Tuesday, 28th March 2017 -  People are screaming out for genuine interactions and longing to deal with providers that will walk the talk, writes Bill Gamack, CEO of disability employment not-for-profit EPIC


Victoria Takes a Lead in Fundraising Reform

David Crosbie, Thursday, 16th March 2017 -  In the coming months Australia’s charity sector has an opportunity to take a huge step forward in fundraising regulation reform, with Victoria leading the way, writes CEO of Community…
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