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Filling the Service Gaps That People Keep Falling Through

Dr Tessa Boyd-Caine, Tuesday, 5th September 2017 -  Health justice partnerships (HJPs) are demonstrating the difference that services working in partnership can make for the communities who need them, writes Dr Tessa Boyd-Caine,


Building Trust

David Crosbie, Thursday, 31st August 2017 -  Charities are an expression of trust in our communities and our democracy, yet trust is declining in Australia and worldwide. So we must continue to honour and enhance the trust charities


Why Fundraising Laws Need Urgent Reform

Contributor, Wednesday, 30th August 2017 -  Australia’s outdated fundraising laws can be addressed by “tweaking” the Australian Consumer Law regulations, writes lawyer Andrew Lind. Many of us who work in the charity and not-for-profit


Talking About Being Decent to Each Other – Paths to a UBI

Tim Hollo, Tuesday, 29th August 2017 -  The Green Institute executive director Tim Hollo, who attended the recent forum on Paths to Implementing a Universal Basic Income, reflects on what a UBI might look like and how to


Volunteering and the ‘Non-Ongoing Funding’ Caveat

Alison Lai, Monday, 21st August 2017 -  The not-for-profit sector has a job to do to convince the federal government to put funding for volunteering towards the top of its long-term priority list and not on the bottom, despite


The Forgotten People

David Crosbie, Thursday, 17th August 2017 -  There is much our current leaders could learn from the views of Australia’s longest serving prime minister, Sir Robert Menzies about how to make Australia a better place, writes Community


Downside of Linear Thinking and Why We Need to Embrace Failure

Vu Le, Monday, 7th August 2017 -  The not-for-profit sector’s penchant for linear thinking oversimplifies the problems we are trying to solve, and are, in fact, worsening and perpetuating them, writes Vu Le, the


Good Governance in the Not-for-profit Sector is Paramount

Elizabeth Proust, Monday, 7th August 2017 -  Reports of poor practice in the charity sector often stem from poor governance and can damage trust and lead to disproportionate responses, writes Elizabeth Proust AO, chairman…


Making Education Our Business

David Crosbie, Thursday, 3rd August 2017 -  If we want stronger communities, a more prosperous, productive and happier Australia, inclusive education must be a higher priority, writes David Crosbie CEO of Community Council


Which Bank? – Bring It On Mr Treasurer

Graeme Innes, Wednesday, 2nd August 2017 -  The roll out of a new electronic funds transfer (EFTPOS) machine by the Commonwealth bank is eroding the long-fought battle for independence of hundreds of thousands of vision impaired
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