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Philanthropy and Democracy

Sarah Davies, Wednesday, 11th October 2017 -  For philanthropy to maintain its social licence to operate, it needs to provide a level of accountability to the communities it serves, writes Philanthropy Australia CEO Sarah Davies.


Together, We Are The Future of Work

Contributor, Friday, 6th October 2017 -  Monika Gisler and Hiam Sakakini from ThinkChangeGrow offer some tips on finding common ground in the baby boomers vs millennials debate. Baby boomers vs millennials. You know the


Putting The Social Back Into Social Housing

Rhod Ellis-Jones, Thursday, 5th October 2017 -  If we allow the narrative of social housing to continue to be one of bricks and mortar, we miss the point, writes the principal of Ellis Jones and founder of the Shared Value Project,


Beyond the Program Epitaph

David Crosbie, Thursday, 28th September 2017 -  Across Australia there are many beacons of excellence, lighthouse programs showing the way in so many communities. Unfortunately, most will not last, writes Community Council


Don’t Get Mad, Get Moving

Bill Gamack, Thursday, 28th September 2017 -  Many people still believe if a disability isn’t visible it doesn’t exist, writes Bill Gamack, CEO of EPIC Assist, as he reflects on the fallout of the “Ashy Bines’ saga. Gold Coast fitness


NFPs Need Social Media More Than They Know

Alecia Hancock, Thursday, 21st September 2017 -  If not for profits ignore social media the chances of their organisations thriving into 2018 and beyond are slim, writes Hancock Creative director Alecia Hancock along with her top


On Marriage Equality, Australia’s Progressive Instincts Have Been Crushed by Political Failure

Frank Bongiorno, Tuesday, 19th September 2017 -  It is surely deficiencies in our recent democracy rather than deeper historical or cultural issues that lie at the heart of our failure to resolve the issue of same-sex marriage, writes


Public Interest / Private Interest – A Fundamental Distinction

David Crosbie, Thursday, 14th September 2017 -  Over the coming month, major political parties will be deciding whether charities should be exempted from new restrictions on election campaigning to be introduced as part of reforms


Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage

Bethany Simmonds, Tuesday, 5th September 2017 -  Aboriginal people are the most marginalised, excluded and disadvantaged group of people living in Australia today, and transport disadvantage simply adds to their morass of problems


Welfare Needs a Radical Restructuring

Eva Cox, Tuesday, 5th September 2017 -  Australia needs reforms that address the “inadequacy of victim blaming models” and far fewer secure paid jobs, writes Eva Cox AO. Welfare reform requires radical restructuring
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