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Australians Want to Hear the Voices of Charities - Politicians Take Note

David Crosbie, Thursday, 23rd November 2017 -  Recent studies show that an overwhelming majority of Australians support the idea that the voice of charities is an important part of our democracy and all politicians would do well


Stop Bashing Charities Over their Fundraising Costs

Rob Edwards, Thursday, 23rd November 2017 -  The CEO of Fundraising Institute Australia, Rob Edwards has called for an end to what he calls “charity bashing” over the cost of fundraising, arguing fundraisers are being held to


Don Dale Royal Commission Demands Sweeping Change – Is There Political Will to Make it Happen?

Contributor, Tuesday, 21st November 2017 -  A positive outcome from the commission will require political will and leadership to respond effectively to broader systemic issues, write Sophie Russell and Chris Cunneen from


Yes to Same Sex Marriage: Human Rights in the Balance

Amy Maguire, Wednesday, 15th November 2017 -  As Australians say ‘yes’ to marriage equality, the legal stoush over human rights now takes centre stage, writes Amy Maguire, senior lecturer in international law and human rights


Nightmares and Good Policy

David Crosbie, Thursday, 9th November 2017 -  The diminution of evidence-based public policy and the rise of vested-interest fuelled popularism  means the public voice of charities has never been more critical, writes CEO


When It Comes To Redress For Child Sexual Abuse, All Victims Should Be Equal

Contributor, Wednesday, 1st November 2017 -  The redress scheme cannot be a truly “just response” if it says some kinds of victims simply don’t count, according to academics Kate Seear from Monash University and Professor Suzanne


Sports Diplomacy Sector Needs More Institutional Support

James Rose, Wednesday, 1st November 2017 -  Despite Australia’s legendary sporting prowess and passion, and the cross-cultural popularity of sports as a social connector, the wider potential of a grassroots sports diplomacy


Shifting the Dial: From Profits and Process to Community Building

David Crosbie, Thursday, 26th October 2017 -  The Productivity Commission report Shifting the Dial released this week challenges national policy makers and undermines the positions of some of the most powerful vested interests


Property Industry – We Are Losing Our Social License To Operate

Robert Pradolin, Wednesday, 25th October 2017 -  Ever-increasing housing “unaffordability” in Australia is eroding the property industry’s social license to operate, writes Robert Pradolin, philanthropist and former general


Movember, Ice Buckets, Fun Runs, ‘Dry’ Months: Why Philanthropy of the Body is All the Rage

Julie Robert, Monday, 23rd October 2017 -  Social media is now a major driver of “embodied philanthropy” because it allows individuals to publicise their involvement through selfies, videos and status updates, writes Julie


Global Poverty: An Amazing Success Story… But We Still Have a Long Way to Go

Chris Murdoch, Tuesday, 17th October 2017 -  As Anti-Poverty Week in Australia gets underway, Chris Murdoch from Opportunity International Australia considers the solutions to global poverty and how much work there is still


Have You Been Commodified?

David Crosbie, Thursday, 12th October 2017 -  Charities will only realise their potential when they can collectively push the pendulum back away from “commodification” towards funding models that reward responsiveness and
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