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Biting the cybersecurity bullet

David Crosbie, Wednesday, 30th November 2022 -  What are the issues that need to be seriously considered if the sector wants to improve data security? David Crosbie explains. A donor rang a CCA member this week indicating a willingness


Community life has not returned to normal

Trish Prentice, Wednesday, 30th November 2022 -  Scanlon Foundation Research Institute’s Social Cohesion study shows significant challenges in the not-quite-post-COVID world. But where to from here, asks Trish Prentice. 


Why we still need effective altruism in corporate philanthropy

Elliot Dellys, Monday, 28th November 2022 -  What is “effective altruism” and what does the future hold for the philosophy in the wake of the spectacular downfall of its high-profile champion, former bitcoin billionaire


Gift giving: the secret to innovation in business?

Clare Steele, Monday, 28th November 2022 -  Incremental innovation is crucial for meeting the needs of supporters and can be as simple as a gift, writes Clare Steele. I love giving gifts. I take great joy in finding something…


What to do about Twitter

Richenda Vermeulen, Monday, 28th November 2022 -  How should not for profits respond to Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter? Richenda Vermeulen explains in this handy guide.  You’ve seen the news, Elon Musk has taken control of


The four key levers NFPs need to pull to drive systemic change

Tamara Pararajasingham, Wednesday, 23rd November 2022 -  Uniting’s Tamara Pararajasingham explains how the sector was able to push NSW to extend state support for young people in out of home care to 21 and the lessons we can learn from


A wonderful appointment

David Crosbie, Monday, 21st November 2022 -  Interim ACNC commissioner Deborah Jenkins provided a breath of fresh air and while Susan Woodward’s appointment is wonderful news, she has her work cut out for her.  The appointment


Intervening early to prevent criminalisation of children

Deb Tsorbaris, Monday, 21st November 2022 -  Why is raising the age of criminal responsibility still a contentious topic?  The age of criminal responsibility has resurfaced as an issue in national and state and territory media.


Woodward's appointment to ease climate of fear

Ray Yoshida, Monday, 21st November 2022 -  Ray Yoshida of the Stronger Charities Alliance – previously Hands Off Our Charities – says Sue Woodward’s appointment as ACNC head gives “real reason for hope”. 


Do we really value diversity? Really?

David Crosbie, Thursday, 17th November 2022 -  Australia could learn a lot from a new Canadian report about how to make “diversity” more than just lip service, says David Crosbie.  Diversity is good: in communities,


What can we expect from this latest COVID wave? And how long is it likely to last?

Contributor, Wednesday, 16th November 2022 -  What do the raft of new COVID variants mean and what can we expect from the impending new wave? James Wood explains.  Australia is now mid-way into its fourth wave of COVID in the Omicron…


Resisting the beige

Felicity Green, Monday, 14th November 2022 -  Felicity Green examines how a one-size-fits-all strategy can end up being the wrong fit.  The times we are in call for great strategies, ones that move beyond insular organisational
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