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Effecting change in the climate crisis

Claire O'Rourke, Wednesday, 21st December 2022 -  What does the Sunrise Project’s  Climate Compass research tell us about how individuals are willing to act on climate change mitigation measures?     If you’ve ever


What did we learn about digital technology in 2022 and where to next?

David Spriggs, Tuesday, 20th December 2022 -  David Spriggs runs through some of the key takeaways from the year that was and makes some predictions about the year to come.  2022 was a challenging year for Australians and particularly


Twelve Christmas wishes for vulnerable children and families

Deb Tsorbaris, Tuesday, 20th December 2022 -  In her final column for the year, Deb Tsorbaris gives a list of 12 Christmas wishes for vulnerable children and families doing it tough.  As the year draws to a close, many of us look forward


Empowering survivors of sexual assault

Sarah Rosenberg, Wednesday, 14th December 2022 -  The director of With You We Can describes the trauma of reporting sexual assault and how her own experience led her to set up the new organisation.    I’m sitting at reception


The price we pay for selling our values   

David Crosbie, Wednesday, 14th December 2022 -  David Crosbie explains why Robodebt is “an icon of malicious discrimination against innocent and vulnerable Australians”. ‘Effectiveness without values is a tool


When is a social enterprise a social enterprise?

Andrew Curtis, Tuesday, 13th December 2022 -  Do we need a definition for social enterprise?   At a recent debate I attended, three statements were boldly made. 
    Definitions don’t matter – what matters is impact.  Definitions


Place-based approaches to policy are crucial

Susie Moloney, Monday, 12th December 2022 -  As natural disasters continue in the wake of climate change, place-based initiatives are crucial to emergency services delivery.    The night Greater Shepparton Lighthouse


Philanthropy take note, the next youthquake is coming

Ed Krutsch, Wednesday, 7th December 2022 -  A young person shares why Australia needs more funders directly backing young people’s vision for the future — and how lowering the voting age is where it all starts. The Funders’


Getting out of the way of innovation

Felicity Green, Tuesday, 6th December 2022 -  Felicity Green examines a case study from the utility sector that demonstrates how sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is get out of the way of progress.  As the world rapidly


How to ensure constructive outcomes from a NFP board

Lisa Kingman, Tuesday, 6th December 2022 -  Lisa Kingman OAM gives three practical pieces of advice to get the most from your not-for-profit board.  The vast majority of charities are run by voluntary or unpaid boards, with


Power Play and AGL

David Ritter, Monday, 5th December 2022 -  Greenpeace CEO David Ritter explains the story behind the organisation’s new documentary, which charts its fight to change the course of energy giant AGL. Greenpeace’s new documentary


This month in ESG: Transition to renewables, extreme heat and supply chain in focus

Terence Jeyaretnam, Thursday, 1st December 2022 -  Terence Jeyaretnam reports on all the key indicators in ESG for November. November had regulatory and COP movements that made it a significant month globally, in the US, in Australia…
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