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Lidia Thorpe quits Greens, going to crossbench to promote ‘Blak Sovereign Movement’

Contributor, Monday, 6th February 2023 -  Thorpe leaves the Greens, complicating the Senate for the government. The defection means the Coalition and non-Greens crossbench can form an absolute majority. Victorian Indigenous…


Building digital capability and resilience: a new year's resolution for the not-for-profit sector

David Spriggs, Friday, 3rd February 2023 -  David Spriggs asks and answers all the questions the sector should be asking itself about cyber security and so much more.  It has never been more important to build a digitally capable


Social enterprise: What’s in a name?

Tara Anderson, Wednesday, 1st February 2023 -  Tara Anderson examines some of the myths around defining social enterprise and why they are problematic. By their nature, definitions are exclusionary Definitions by nature are


We need heart in the conversation about social inclusion

Amy Clark, Wednesday, 1st February 2023 -  In the discussion about inclusivity, people living with intellectual disability are being left out of the conversation, says Amy Clark.  There’s no question Australia needs to


The month in ESG: Carbon credits scheme review, single use plastic in the bin

Terence Jeyaretnam, Wednesday, 1st February 2023 -  Terence Jeyaretnam runs through all the markers in environmental, social, and governance news for the first month of the year.  The month of January covers the Chubb review of the


Is this the word of 2023? 

Kaushik Sridhar, Monday, 30th January 2023 -  As risk creation outstrips risk reduction, there is one word that could define this year, says Kaushik Sridhar.  A polycrisis is a cluster of related global risks, with compounding


Not coping with the return to work? 

Joel Pilgrim, Friday, 27th January 2023 -  The co-founder and CEO of mental health charity Waves of Wellness Foundation gives five ways to improve your mental health as the end of the holiday season kicks in.  Whether you’re


Parties with purpose and why Pride is as important as ever

Nevena Spirovska, Monday, 23rd January 2023 -  As Midsumma Festival kicks off in Victoria, Nevena Spirovska reflects on the important part that parties play in the Pride movement. As the summer rolls on, the number of Pride parties,


Strategy Spotlight: Three lessons for change leadership

Felicity Green, Monday, 23rd January 2023 -  In Strategy Spotlight, Felicity Green explains three pieces of advice from an expert changemaker on how to bring about change, no matter what area you’re working in.   …


Bringing fresh vigour and rigour to the charity sector  

Sue Woodward AM, Wednesday, 18th January 2023 -  In the final instalment of our #resolutions23 series, new ACNC commissioner Sue Woodward AM is starting 2023 energised, as she looks ahead to the list of tasks she’s ready to


Let's dose up on human decency and kindness

Arminé Nalbandian, Wednesday, 18th January 2023 -  Arminé Nalbandian reflects on her personal aspirations as part of #resolutions23, in the hope that they might be helpful to others.   This column is part of our #resolutions23


Australia needs a plan to combat the effects of emergencies on children

Deb Tsorbaris, Wednesday, 18th January 2023 -  Australia needs a fit-for-purpose framework to address the effect of emergencies and disasters on children, argues Deb Tsorbaris.    The past few years have given each of us a visceral
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