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This month in ESG: Floods, chemicals in rainwater and electric aircraft

Terence Jeyaretnam, Thursday, 1st September 2022 -  In his monthly column, Terence Jeyaretnam takes a look at all the ESG news that’s fit to print from the previous month.  August saw the recording of the Earth’s shortest day,…


ESG: a material advantage

Kaushik Sridhar, Wednesday, 31st August 2022 -  This month, Kaushik Sridhar asks whether ESG investing results in better performance.  ESG investing is all the rage. However, aspects can polarise opinion. One of the most heated…


Five central questions for boards

Joe Zabar, Wednesday, 31st August 2022 -  Understanding the impact of the current labour market is important but more critical are the steps organisations take to address this risk, writes Joe Zabar. Energy security, inflation,…


Why we must recognise the injustice of Australia's medical history

Jamal Hakim, Wednesday, 31st August 2022 -  Australia’s medical history is rooted in colonialism and it needs to be acknowledged, writes Jamal Hakim. Australia is a country that was built on reproductive injustice.


Helping manage workplace mental health

Carmel Tebutt, Monday, 29th August 2022 -  With research showing a sharp increase in mental ill-health in NSW, the CEO of Mental Health Coordinating Council gives five practical ways to support employees that can make a real


A lot of work to do ahead of Jobs and Skills Summit

David Crosbie, Wednesday, 24th August 2022 -  CCA will hold a charities and NFP roundtable with the assistant minister for charities, ahead of the federal government’s Jobs and Skills Summit, writes CEO David Crosbie. 


Five reasons we need more young leaders in NFPs

Bianca Stern, Wednesday, 24th August 2022 -  While young leaders are essential to the future of the sector, many are starting their own organisations. Bianca Stern outlines five reasons to turn this situation around. There’s


The story of the PM's mum must be a catalyst for change

Margaret Ambrose, Tuesday, 23rd August 2022 -  What can we do all do to claw back the security and dignity of single mothers to ensure their children can succeed in whatever field they choose? Margaret Ambrose explains.  It was a


Lost in translation

Joanna Quilty, Monday, 22nd August 2022 -  LOST IN TRANSLATION In its parliamentary submission on crisis communications with culturally and linguistically diverse people, the NSW Council of Social Services outlines key


Children and young people must be part of the solution to climate change

Deb Tsorbaris, Monday, 22nd August 2022 -  We know that children and young people are experts on the matters affecting them, and should be consulted as such, writes Deb Tsorbaris.  There was a palpable sense of relief when earlier


Financial impact of timely NDIS funding for housing and support

Di Winkler, Wednesday, 17th August 2022 -  A focus on short-term budget wins will cost the NDIS billions in longer term support costs, while keeping people with disability living in unsuitable housing, writes Di Winkler.


This month in ESG: legislation, lovers and livestock

Terence Jeyaretnam, Monday, 15th August 2022 -  Terence Jeyaretnam takes us through the top 10 ESG markers for July. July saw significant ESG momentum including a red alert on the likelihood of all life in oceans being wiped out,…
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