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Leadership lesson

Nevena Spirovska, Monday, 10th October 2022 -  Within the drama around the appointment and resignation of Andrew Thorburn to Essendon Football Club’s top job is an important lesson about leadership. The drama of Andrew Thorburn,…


How do you reverse a legacy narrative?

Felicity Green, Wednesday, 5th October 2022 -  For purpose leaders and advocates often come up against narratives that are outdated and need to be challenged. How do you do that? Felicity Green explains. In the pursuit of making…


Urgent rethink needed in funding and provision of community care

David Crosbie, Wednesday, 5th October 2022 -  Governments must move to invest in community provision of care, writes David Crosbie. Australia is wasting billions of dollars in care costs. Charities play a critical role in preventing…


Driving reform in the NFP landscape

Ram Subramanian, Tuesday, 4th October 2022 -  While CPA Australia welcomes the regulatory road becoming less bumpy for NFPs, more work is needed, writes Ram Subramanian. Australia’s not-for-profit regulatory landscape has…


Groundswell of support to add ADHD to NDIS

Angela Byron, Monday, 3rd October 2022 -  The ADHD community must work together to advocate for the condition to be added to the NDIS, says Angela Byron, non-executive director at ADHD Australia. Last week, several news outlets…


Safeguard mechanism reform needed urgently: ACF

Kim Garratt, Monday, 3rd October 2022 -  If the safeguard mechanism isn’t reformed quickly, climate pollution blowouts will undermine hard-won emissions savings driven by the social sector’s advocacy and on-ground


This month in ESG: Batteries, melting ice and the cost of carbon

Terence Jeyaretnam, Monday, 3rd October 2022 -  ESG markers in September include research showing the actual cost of carbon is more than four times higher than thought, the Arctic is in trouble and batteries are high on Victoria’s


ESG: what’s in a name?

Kaushik Sridhar, Monday, 3rd October 2022 -  It might be popular and come with a sexy acronym – then investment sector loves an acronym – but what does ESG really mean? Kaushik Sridhar explains. In a field replete with acronyms,…


Jumping to judgement

David Crosbie, Wednesday, 28th September 2022 -  If you want to know whether a charity is achieving its mission, spreadsheets and data don’t always hold the answers, explains David Crosbie.   The issue here is not just inaccuracy,…


NZ justice minister consults with Aboriginal leaders on solutions to inequity

Michelle Steele, Tuesday, 27th September 2022 -  While Aboriginal women are being incarcerated at the highest rates, often victims of violence themselves and often misidentified as perpetrators, we can’t talk about justice without


We know best

Christina Ryan, Monday, 26th September 2022 -  Now is the time for us to be in charge, and for non-disabled people to get out of the way, write Christina Ryan and El Gibbs, as a non-disabled person takes up the CEO role at the NDIA.  Finally,


Bridging the digital divide between government and charities

David Spriggs, Monday, 26th September 2022 -  The Digital Leaders Group convened by the Community Council for Australia is aiming to assist in bridging the gaps holding the sector back, writes David Spriggs.  The COVID-19 pandemic
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