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Salary Survey

The Salary Survey has been helping not-for-profit organisations for 10 years by mapping out trends and offering in-depth analysis. The report allows individuals and organisations to effectively benchmark their remuneration practices, allowing you to offer appropriate salaries to new employees, and manage the retention and satisfaction of existing employees.

Two people chatting

Our Careers marketplace is a purpose-driven jobs board covering a variety of professions and sectors, helping you find your dream role, or perfect candidate.

Webinar on screen
Pro Bono Webinars

Our 60-minute webinars are the capacity building tool you need to help you grow your impact. Curated specifically for people working in purpose-driven organisations, they’ll equip you with actionable takeaways that you can implement in your day-to-day. Don’t believe us? Check out what others have said about our webinars here.

White papers

Our exclusive sector-specific white papers feature in depth analysis, expert commentary by pre-eminent industry leaders and international best practices through case studies. Our white papers focus on impact – how to create more in actuality rather than theory, and are written by journalists of the sector, for people working with purpose.

Pro Bono News

Pro Bono News is the number one news outlet for Australia’s social economy. It’s your dose of news, opinion and analysis, keeping a record of what has happened and why it matters for you. As of April 4th, 2023 Pro Bono Australia is no longer publishing new content.


For those who want to listen, not just read. Throughout the years, Pro Bono Australia has released several series investigating and exploring the different facets of Australia’s Social Economy. We explore topics, concepts, and even current affairs.


Impact 25

We celebrate the people that change lives. Impact 25 is our way of giving back as a collective community – highlighting the authentic people that work for our common good and catalyse change in Australia. These impact makers spend their days advocating on the issues of the time, usually working over years and even decades to generate positive social change and support communities of interest. Awards occurred in 2022, 2021, 2019, 2018, 2016 and 2015.

Civil Voices (2017)

the Civil Voices project researching Not-For-Profit advocacy (2017) set out to examine how public debate and advocacy has changed since the Silencing Dissent report, and to re-examine NGO perceptions of their capacity to participate in public debate. A total of 1,462 people responded to the survey (30 per cent of whom were CEOs). What the results reveal is worrying.

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