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Tag : Facebook

Foundation Execs Test Social Media – Survey

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th September 2010 -  A new report finds that about one-third of Foundation CEOs in the US regularly use Facebook or read blogs, and only six percent use Twitter. The report by the Foundation Center called…

Pensioners Posting: Social Media Surges Among Older People

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 31st August 2010 -  The assumption that social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are only used by young people has been dismissed by a new study showing older internet users are also embracing…

Haiti Experience – Facebook Insights & Tips

Irina Bourova, Wednesday, 14th July 2010 -  UNICEF’s use of Facebook during the Haiti earthquake disaster shows NFP’s can use social media to build trust and demonstrate efficiency and the organisation is offering…

The Australian NFP Facebook Factor – Survey Results

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 5th May 2010 -  Just over 70 percent of Australian Not for Profits are using social media, and in particular Facebook, as part of their everyday operations however only 34 percent are using it to fundraise,…

NFPs To Increase Social Network Staffing

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th April 2010 -  In the US, as many as 50% of Not for Profits say they will increase employee staffing related to social networks in the coming twelve months, according to a new analysis of NFP social…

Aussie Charity Cashes in on Facebook Factor

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 8th April 2010 -  Is social networking on Facebook and Twitter becoming a fundraising essential in Australia? One charity has the dollars to back it up. Victorian-based charity and one of the largest…

Facebook Founder to Start Philanthropic Social Network

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 23rd March 2010 -  Co-Founder of the social networking site Facebook, Chris Hughes has developed a new social network focusing on Philanthropy. Hughes recently ‘soft launched’ Jumo…
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