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Helping the small guys have a big impact

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 29th March 2023 -  The Small Non-Profits Alliance provides information and connection to smaller players in Australia’s charity sector. According to the ACNC, 65.9 per cent of the Australian charity

Breaking the silence of miscarriage

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Wednesday, 29th March 2023 -  Isabelle Oderberg’s debut title unapologetically addresses the stigma surrounding pregnancy loss and presents a case for much-needed change. Miscarriage is the most common complication

Following in one charity’s AI-powered footsteps

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Wednesday, 29th March 2023 -  The for-purpose sector is increasingly experimenting with artificial intelligence, but how can organisations benefit most from the advancing technology? There’s no question

Looking to the future of shared value

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 29th March 2023 -  Shared value has been around for roughly 12 years. Where is Australia at with the nebulous concept? Twelve years on from the introduction of the concept of shared value, Emma Watton

Think service design: Think Impact

Kevin Robbie, Wednesday, 29th March 2023 -  When thinking about service design it is important to think about impact. Whether you are designing a new service or improving an existing one, the impact on the end beneficiaries

Balancing the tension of social purpose and commercial viability

Felicity Green, Wednesday, 29th March 2023 -  In her final Strategy Spotlight, Felicity Green looks at the realities of social enterprise business models. Australia’s social enterprise sector is blossoming; peak bodies,

Supporting young people in the digital world

Matt Romania, Wednesday, 29th March 2023 -  Matt Romania speaks with Sarah Davies AM, CEO at the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, about the role of innovation in achieving their mission.  On 28 April 1996, Alannah and Madeline…

More than just mats: opening the beach to people with disability

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 27th March 2023 -  A charity is making miracles with its partnership approach to accessible surf and sand. For most of us, heading to the beach for the day doesn’t require much thought or planning, besides

Checking in with Hepburn Energy

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 27th March 2023 -  Australia’s first community-owned wind farm is now about more than just turbines. A lot has changed in the world since the advent of Hepburn Wind more than a decade ago. Public interest

Moving towards cultural safety for Aboriginal children with disability

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 27th March 2023 -  The I Am, Movement puts Indigenous knowledge and experience at its centre. There’s a movement afoot to provide more culturally safe resources to Aboriginal children with disability.

Preparing the NFP sector for Privacy Act and cybersecurity reforms

David Spriggs, Monday, 27th March 2023 -  What do proposed legislative changes mean for the social sector? David Spriggs investigates.  The past month has seen some major changes take place in both legislation and government

What next on government engagement?

Neil Pharaoh, Monday, 27th March 2023 -  With Pro Bono News ending and almost wall to wall Labor governments, what comes next for my engagement with government? It is with much sadness that I draft my final article for Pro Bono
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