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Working towards a spectrum of change

Samantha Freestone, Thursday, 29th September 2022 -  Bodo Mann is focused on supporting the tech careers of young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He is this week’s Changemaker.   Having built businesses and worked extensively

Getting to the bottom of ‘quiet quitting’

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Thursday, 29th September 2022 -  The trend of employees setting strict boundaries around their jobs is growing, but there are ways for employers to get workers back on side. ‘Quiet quitting’ is the latest buzzword

Jumping to judgement

David Crosbie, Wednesday, 28th September 2022 -  If you want to know whether a charity is achieving its mission, spreadsheets and data don’t always hold the answers, explains David Crosbie.   The issue here is not just inaccuracy,…

NFP CEOs share top skills in short supply

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Wednesday, 28th September 2022 -  Sector leaders say upskilling in these specific areas is one way to help address the current jobs crisis and increase staff retention. Three-quarters of NFP leaders are feeling the

Planning for needs of people with disability during disaster

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 28th September 2022 -  Australia now has the tools in place for disability inclusive disaster risk reduction, thanks to a co-designed research approach. After years of extreme floods and bushfires, and

Co-op model spreads with vision of sustainability

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 28th September 2022 -  Workers are shifting their perspectives on what they want from their work and how they want to impact the world around them, driving a rise in co-op business models and networks.  Earthworker

Wrapup: 2022 Social Enterprise World Forum Day One

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Wednesday, 28th September 2022 -  With 2,600 representatives from 93 countries, the Social Enterprise World Forum is the largest social enterprise conversation in the world. Here’s all the news from day one.  The

NFP leaders say they are vulnerable to cyber attacks

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Wednesday, 28th September 2022 -  More than 60 per cent of NFP CEOs expect a surge in cyber incidents this year, yet training and compliance is not seen a priority, a new report reveals. As the repercussions of the recent

Surging cost of living and social housing waitlist on list of COSS concerns

Contributor, Wednesday, 28th September 2022 -  A new ACOSS report demonstrates the devastating impact of the surging cost of living, as QCOSS research shows over 90 per cent of social house waitlist are “high need”.

NZ justice minister consults with Aboriginal leaders on solutions to inequity

Michelle Steele, Tuesday, 27th September 2022 -  While Aboriginal women are being incarcerated at the highest rates, often victims of violence themselves and often misidentified as perpetrators, we can’t talk about justice without

Focus on Politics: Australian Capital Territory

Neil Pharaoh, Tuesday, 27th September 2022 -  How much do you know about politics in the ACT? Some of its history might surprise you, plus five important lessons from the ACT no matter where you live.  While “Canberra” is often shorthand

Australia gets first social enterprise university

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 27th September 2022 -  After six years of work to achieve certification, the vice chancellor of Australia’s first social enterprise university wants other universities to focus on social good too. When
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