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Tag : Volunteer

National Volunteer Poster Competition

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 25th July 2013 -  Volunteering Australia wants Not for Profits from across the country to design a poster that promotes the essence of volunteering. Submitted posters must be a minimum of A3 size and…

Aussie Elected Lions International President

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 11th July 2013 -  An Australian has been elected as President of Lions Club International – the world’s largest humanitarian and community service club organisation. Barry Palmer,…

IKEA Seeks Partnership with Children’s NFP

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 4th July 2013 -  International furniture giant IKEA is looking to secure a partnership with a national children’s charity, offering up to $300,000 in funding. IKEA Australia says it is looking…

Nominate a Young Leader for Newsboys Awards

Staff Reporter, Friday, 28th June 2013 -  Young people working or volunteering in community organisations who inspire other young Victorians will be recognised in the Newsboys Foundation Leadership Awards. Two young…

Volunteering Boosts Employment Opportunities – Study

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th June 2013 -  A new US report from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) has found unemployed people who volunteer have a better chance at job opportunities. The study, Volunteering

Debate Asks Are There Too Many Not for Profits?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st May 2013 -  The question is often bandied around about the increase in organisations in the third sector and recently the NAB Corporate Volunteering group organised a public debate on the thorny…

Leaders Thank Their Volunteers

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 9th May 2013 -  A National Volunteer Week initiative in Victoria to publicly declare thanks for their volunteers has seen more than 100 leaders of organisations with volunteers signing up in less…

US Dollar Value of Volunteer Time

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd May 2013 -  The latest estimate of the dollar value of a volunteer hour in the US has risen to $22.14, a 35-cent increase from 2011, according to the Not for Profit leadership network, Independent…

World Volunteering Conference Launches New Website

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 28th March 2013 -  The International Association of Volunteer Effort (IAVE) has officially launched the new World Volunteering Conference 2014 website, at a formal event in Sydney yesterday. In…

$16 Million in Grants to Support Volunteers

Staff Reporter, Monday, 18th March 2013 -  The Federal Government is offering community organisations the opportunity to apply for funding of up to $5,000 in its 2013 round of Volunteer Grants. The Volunteer Grants are now…

Changemakers – Catherine Sherwood

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th January 2013 -  Catherine Sherwood is a volunteer environmental scientist with Engineers Without Borders Australia. This week we profile Catherine in Changemakers – a regular column which

Research Highlights $Billion Value of Volunteering

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th December 2012 -  The economic value of volunteering to Victoria has grown by over 130 per cent in 15 years, according to new research from the University of Melbourne. The Economic Value of Volunteering
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