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Tag : Predictions

Predictions for 2018: Philanthropy

Krystian Seibert, Tuesday, 9th January 2018 -  2018 will be another big year for charities and philanthropy in Australia writes Krystian Seibert, the advocacy and insight manager at Philanthropy Australia, in the first in a series

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What’s in Store for Australia’s Not for Profits in 2013?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th December 2012 -  2012 has been a big year for Australian Not for Profits with the establishment of the charity regulator, the ACNC. But what’s in store for 2013? The CEO of World Vision Tim Costello…


The Shape of the Sector in 2012

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 4th January 2012 -  2012 looks to be a defining year for the Not for Profit, social enterprise and philanthropic sector, and in this post from the CSI Blog, Gina Anderson outlines why she is looking forward

GFC Hangover Expected to Continue to Impact Donations in 2012

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th December 2011 -  People in the United States and United Kingdom overwhelmingly trust Not for Profits (NFPs) ahead of of governments and corporations to create social change, yet most say they will…
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