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Tag : Inclusion

LGBTI Pride in the Uniting Workforce

Wendy Williams, Monday, 30th May 2016 -  Christian-based welfare provider Uniting has been named as the best Not for Profit employer of LGBTI people in Australia. The aged care provider featured in the list of Australia’s

Who Might I Trust to Foster an Inclusive Society?

Keith McVilly, Tuesday, 24th May 2016 -  The Not for Profit sector is uniquely positioned, and some might say ethically obliged, to ask of our political aspirants how their policies will foster an inclusive society, writes

Gandel Grants Open

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th February 2014 -  One of Australia's largest independent philanthropic family funds, Gandel Philanthropy has announced its communityassist grants are open for application to eligible Not…

Australia Post Names Not for Profit Partners

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 19th February 2014 -  Australia Post has revealed the seven organisations chosen to be the organisation’s Not for Profit partners in its national community program, including NFP sporting giant,…

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How to be a Disability Confident Organisation

Staff Reporter, Monday, 10th February 2014 -  Becoming a disability confident organisation means embracing inclusion, writes Disability Employment Australia CEO Lynette May. Do you understand how people with disability…

Call for Equality for Students with Disability

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd October 2013 -  Australian students with disabilities are still being denied the rights of an inclusive education enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, according…

Handbook Helps with Inclusion of Older People

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th August 2013 -  A handbook aimed at supporting the inclusion of older people with a disability in mainstream community-based activities will be available for community groups to improve participation…
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