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Tag : Gender

Sector Gender Audit Revealed

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th September 2012 -  An audit of gender diversity in the community sector by ACOSS has revealed that the participation of women on boards and in senior management positions is higher than in other sectors.…

Gender Pay Gap Remains High

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th August 2012 -  New data shows that the gender pay gap between women and men remains stubbornly high at 17.5 per cent, according to a Government workplace agency. Data released by the Australian Bureau…

Gender Audit of Australian NFPs

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st November 2011 -  Despite women making up 85% of the workforce in the Not for Profit sector, little is known about the gendered nature of senior management and Board positions within the sector. The…

Kevin Rudd Launches ‘Because I am a Girl’ Report

Staff Reporter, Friday, 4th November 2011 -  Girls around the world are fighting a losing battle for gender equality unless boys join the cause, says a major global report from Plan, launched in Australia this week by the Minister…

Govt Appoints Global Ambassador for Women and Girls

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th September 2011 -  The Gillard Government says it has continued to increase its focus on foreign aid and development with the announcement of Australia’s first Global Ambassador for Women and…

Can Not for Profits Set the Trend in Pay Equality?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 25th August 2011 -  This article is part of a regular series of articles by the Commonwealth Bank, who will be using their financial experts to provide news, insight and expert advice for Not for

Victorian Government Rejects Community “Gender” Pay Claim

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st August 2011 -  The Victorian Government has rejected claims that gender is largely responsible for the low wages of Victoria’s community sector workers, according to its latest submission…

Government Commits to Support Sector on Equal Pay

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th July 2011 -  The Gillard Government has announced it will provide ‘fair and appropriate supplementation’ to help support any phased in pay increase Fair Work Australia may award…

Failure to Negotiate on Equal Pay Could Cost the Government More

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 22nd June 2011 -  The reluctance by the Gillard Government to negotiate with unions on a pay rise for community sector workers could end up costing the government more, Greens MP Adam Bandt has warned…

Thousands Turn Out to Demand Equal Pay

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 8th June 2011 -   
Social and community sector workers have turned out in their thousands at rallies around the nation, calling on state and federal governments to fund a pay increase for the

Optimism and Caution After Pay Equity Win

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th May 2011 -  The Australian Not for Profit sector has reacted to the long-awaited ruling by Fair Work Australia in the equal remuneration case with a mixture of optimism and caution, saying it…

Community Pay Equity Claim Upheld

Staff Reporter, Monday, 16th May 2011 -  Fair Work Australia has upheld a pay equity claim for community services workers but has fallen short of issuing an equal remuneration order instead calling on the unions to show how…
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