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Tag : Training

What Marketers Can Do to Raise the Bar for NFPs

Contributor, Tuesday, 6th February 2018 -  Not for profits can reap big from a solid marketing strategy. Here are five strategies that you can apply to raise the bar. Not-for-profit organisations (NFPs) pursue various causes

The Case For Mandating Governance Training For NFP Boards

Laurie Patton, Thursday, 1st June 2017 -  Not-for-profit boards must ensure proper governance principles and processes are in place so mandatory governance training and a review of board performance by an external expert

Attend TaxEd’s training sessions to stay up to date with changes to FBT

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th February 2017 -  TaxEd is running training sessions that help organisations to understand new regulations made to the fringe benefit tax (FBT) system. With some significant tightening having been

Lack of Specialist Clinicians Failing Australians with an Intellectual Disability

Simon Wardale, Monday, 3rd October 2016 -  There is a huge gap in learning and expertise for Australians working with people with an intellectual disability that needs to be bridged, writes Simon Wardale, manager of Endeavour

Training Essential to NDIS Success Says Training Awards Winner

Wendy Williams, Monday, 12th September 2016 -  A well-trained workforce is essential to the success of the NDIS, according to Not for Profit House with No Steps, which has won the NSW Training Award for the 2016 Large Employer of

Cross-Cultural Training Call

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th April 2016 -  There is a desperate need for proper cross-cultural training for people who work with Indigenous clients and communities, according author and community educator, Richard Trudgen.

Not for Profit Employees Miss Out on Training – Study

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 23rd July 2015 -  New Australian research shows that one in two Not for Profit employees do not have access to any professional development. According to researchers at The University of Western Australia…

NFP Enterprise Offers Cultural Diversity Training

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 7th April 2015 -  Welfare Not for Profit, Melbourne City Mission, is to launch a unique social enterprise aimed at delivering cultural diversity training and consulting services to business, Government…

$476 Million Skills Fund Launched

Xavier Smerdon, Friday, 23rd January 2015 -  The Abbott Government is claiming it will create up to 200,000 training places for Australian workers with the launch of its $476 million Industry Skills Fund. Assistant Minister…

Dementia Care Skills Lacking – Senate Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th March 2014 -  A Senate Committee report has found the current aged-care workforce in Australia does not appear to have the skills and training to adequately support people living with dementia,…


Risk Management Key to Successful Volunteer Program

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th February 2014 -  The Federal Government’s plans to expand the work-for-the-dole scheme promises plenty of debate about volunteer rights and responsibilities. It’s timely to remember

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How to be a Disability Confident Organisation

Staff Reporter, Monday, 10th February 2014 -  Becoming a disability confident organisation means embracing inclusion, writes Disability Employment Australia CEO Lynette May. Do you understand how people with disability…
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