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Tag : Privacy

Website Privacy Policies Too Complex

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th August 2013 -  A significant majority of website ‘privacy’ policies examined by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) are too long and complex. The Privacy…

Hub to Keep Charities on Right Side of Privacy Laws

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 13th December 2012 - 
Picture: ADMA Following changes to Australia’s privacy laws, with possible $1million fines for marketers, including charities who break the law, marketing and advertising…


Privacy Awareness Week: Is Your NFP Privacy Compliant?

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th April 2012 -  Opinion: Many NFPs play an important role in providing support to some of the most vulnerable people in our community by delivering services to those in all kinds of need – from…

Information Commissioner Releases FOI Review Findings

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th March 2012 -  The Australian Information Commissioner, Professor John McMillan, has released a report proposing changes to the way charges are imposed for giving access to documents under the…

Not for Profits Warned on Privacy and Data Security

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th March 2012 -  Data security has emerged as a major challenge for organisations and agencies across Australia, according to the Australian Privacy Commission. Australian Privacy Commissioner,…

Good Privacy Practices

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 25th March 2010 -  The Australian Privacy Commissioner, Karen Curtis, has called for Not for Profits, businesses and government agencies across the country to publicise their commitment to good…

Federal Review of the Privacy Act

Staff Reporter, Monday, 13th February 2006 -  The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) is to review the Privacy Act, in particular the changes since 2001– in an investigation that will take 2 years to complete. The announcement…

Private Lives: A Guide To Privacy Law In Victoria

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th March 2003 -  The ‘privacy statement’ at the foot of bills and forms and statements and donor mail outs is now common practice. But what do the privacy laws mean for the average person? Who…

Privacy Health Information

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd December 2002 -  The Federal Privacy Commissioner has released a new health information privacy brochure which clarifies Australians’ privacy rights when it comes to their personal health…

New Office-Bearers? – Advising the Tax Office

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st October 2002 -  Many Not for Profit organisations elect office bearers for an annual term, and their authorised contact people often change from year to year but many neglect to inform the Tax Office.…

Privacy Act Clarification

Staff Reporter, Monday, 9th September 2002 -  The Privacy Commission has published a Consultation Paper, which proposes to restrict charities and commercial organisations collecting personal information from publicly…

Privacy Guidelines – Are you Complying?

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st January 2002 -  The new Privacy laws took effect from December 21 and at the same time the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner (OFPC) released A Short Guide for the Private Health Sector (December…
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