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Tag : Community

Representing the ‘strength and diversity of Australia’: 2022 honours list celebrates community

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 26th January 2022 -  Australians from the age of 17 to 99 have been recognised in this year’s Australia Day Honours List. In a year that saw the highest ever percentage of awards for women, hundreds of Australians

‘History has been made’: Aboriginal flag rights purchased by Commonwealth

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 25th January 2022 -  The announcement follows a two and a half year campaign by fashion social enterprise, Clothing the Gaps First Nations businesses and advocacy groups are celebrating following a

Connecting in a crisis

Andrew Leigh, Tuesday, 29th September 2020 -  In an extract from their new book, Reconnected: A community builder’s handbook, Andrew Leigh and Nick Terrell consider how large-scale emergencies boost social capital,

Australia’s housing challenge is everyone’s challenge

Shane Farley, Wednesday, 5th August 2020 -  Addressing housing affordability requires agile and innovative thinking, writes Beyond Bank’s national community development manager Shane Farley. In a year of tremendous challenge,

Why not for profits are priceless

Fiona Roberts, Wednesday, 22nd July 2020 -  Not-for-profit organisations have critical strengths that are important to a healthy, resilient community, writes Fiona Roberts, sharing some of the findings from her PhD which

For the people

David Crosbie, Thursday, 14th May 2020 -  The past six months have demonstrated that the shortest route to greater trust is pursuing common good, not sectional interests – this is true for charities and government, writes

COVID-19 holds a mirror up to us

Julie Edwards, Friday, 10th April 2020 -  Once we get a chance to catch our collective breath we need to lift our gaze and ask ourselves: what kind of world do we want to live in, writes Jesuit Social Services CEO Julie Edwards,

COVID-19, charities and charity

David Crosbie, Thursday, 2nd April 2020 -  We need to look after each other to look after ourselves, writes Community Council for Australia CEO David Crosbie.
“This is a moment in our shared humanity when we don’t know what happens

We need to be physically distant, but we need to share our collective pain

Tim Costello, Monday, 30th March 2020 -  Self-isolation is not the crisis, it is the beginning of the crisis. We need to prepare for the sadness that will be thrust upon us, writes Tim Costello. Like many people, I am re-reading

The values that can guide us in these changing and challenging times

Rachel Clark, Thursday, 26th March 2020 -  Professionals who work with human vulnerability and need, including teachers, medics and social workers, have a leading role to play in this current crisis, due to the values they

We need to facilitate responsive, future-focused philanthropy

Contributor, Tuesday, 18th February 2020 -  Equity Trustees’ involvement in establishing two disaster response trusts and the 2019 Annual Giving Review highlight the critical necessity for innovative approaches to adapt
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