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Tag : Communication


Internet access is a human right in Guatemala, why not in Australia?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 1st October 2013 -  But what does it mean to have access to the Internet if you can’t afford to use it, asks Susan Wilson from Anglicare Victoria. In August 2012 the indigenous Mayan village of Santiago…

Digital Business Kit for NFPs

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th August 2013 -  The Australian Council of Social Service will roll out a Digital Business Kit for the Not for Profit sector to assist organisations to use NBN-enabled platforms across Australia.…

Govt Provides $15.2 million for NBN Training Services

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th July 2012 -  Some 36 communities across Australia will receive $15.2 million to establish local NBN training services as part of the Gillard Government’s Digital Hubs and Digital Enterprises…

The Paradox of Connectedness

Staff Reporter, Friday, 18th November 2011 -  The 'super-connected' world of the internet, social media and hand-held communication devices, may be driving us further apart, according to a leading psychologist and…

Donors and Charity Leaders Don’t Always See Eye-to-eye

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th May 2011 -  A recent US survey highlights the gaps between the perceptions of donors and charity executives in the areas of fundraising, communication and transparency. The research, conducted…


NFPs Failing to Communicate Impact

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 30th September 2010 -  A new study into Not for Profit communications by UK think tank New Philanthropy Capital has found that organisations are good at describing what they do but many fail to clearly communicate…
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