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Tag : Children

Disadvantage is a virus, it’s time we intervened with a vaccine

Dr Lisa J. Griffiths, Friday, 7th August 2020 -  Evidence-based early intervention is a tried and tested solution. Instead of removing children we must shift our focus from crisis care to preventative care to create lasting generational

Virtual book club to keep kids connected in isolation

Luke Michael, Saturday, 25th July 2020 -  The MS Readathon is back for 2020 but with a twist         Multiple Sclerosis Limited (MSL) is launching a virtual book club alongside its iconic MS Readathon this year, with kids

Families of children with disability left in the dark during COVID-19 crisis

Luke Michael, Friday, 20th March 2020 -  Disability advocates say governments across Australia need to better communicate their plans for at-risk groups More than 80 per cent of families of children with disability have

EU members must protect vulnerable children, NGOs say

Luke Michael, Friday, 6th March 2020 -  There are more than 1,800 unaccompanied children struggling to survive on the Greek islands European Union member states must urgently relocate unaccompanied kids from the Greek

Children’s commissioner says Australia isn’t doing enough to protect vulnerable kids

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 11th February 2020 -  A new report says the mental health of Australian children is not being cared for properly  Child abuse and neglect has increased by more than 25 per cent in Australia, according to

Aussies want greater support for the one in six kids living in poverty

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 28th January 2020 -  More than half of Australians report seeing children and families impacted by poverty in their local area Almost 70 per cent of Australians underestimate the level of child poverty

We ignored the evidence and the nation is aflame. Let’s not do the same with our kids.

Penny Dakin, Wednesday, 15th January 2020 -  As Australians face unprecedented threats from bushfires, we are seeing the results of evidence ignored. A potential social and economic firestorm awaits many Australian children

‘We want to see change’: Calls for national commissioner for Indigenous children

Luke Michael, Friday, 25th October 2019 -  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people are 17 times more likely to be in juvenile detention and 10 times more likely to be in out-of-home care More than 80 community

Save the Children highlights ‘shocking’ abuses facing kids in Somalia

Luke Michael, Friday, 9th August 2019 -  Children in Somalia suffer from one of the highest rates of abduction, recruitment, and conflict-related sexual violence in the world, analysis from Save the Children reveals.

Lead the way towards wellbeing

Contributor, Thursday, 1st August 2019 -  MacKillop Family Services is hosting a two-day conference as part of its commitment to support children, young people and families to heal from adversity.  In March this year, in

Case Study: Assessing the impact of an impact investment

Geoff Mulgan, Wednesday, 10th July 2019 -  Can tutors help children improve their maths? The Nesta Impact Investment team supported Third Space Learning to undertake a randomised controlled trial and process evaluation

Victorian mental health system not responding to kids’ needs

Luke Michael, Thursday, 6th June 2019 -  Children as young as 13 are being treated in adult mental health facilities with some kept for months longer than necessary, an independent review has found. The Victorian Auditor-General’s
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