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Online Shopping that is Free to Give (free2give)

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th June 2000 -  Online retailing in Australia gave itself to a good cause this month with the launch of It’s a shopping mall with a difference. Every time someone shops, their…

Charity Games

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th June 2000 -  No it’s not a rival to the Olympic Games but it is a new game. A board game called Charity – The Generous Game. And it’s become a new fundraising game for The National Stroke Foundation.…

Wesley Mission Launches Winter Appeal Online

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th June 2000 -  One of Australia’s largest charities has taken the innovative step of conducting its annual Winter Appeal through the Internet. Wesley Mission – Sydney has decided to supplement…

GST Count Down

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th June 2000 -  Two weeks until the GST starts! Check out the latest Tax Office information relating to charities at A recent meeting to discuss Not for Profit issues…

Venture Philanthropy – Who’s trying it?

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th June 2000 -  In the US “venture philanthropy” is the new buzz-word in the world of giving. It is regarded as a controversial movement far removed from the traditional relationship…


Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th June 2000 -  It’s great to receive your positive feedback and of course we appreciate your suggestions. The response to our early e-newsletters has been very encouraging. Thanks to all those…

Privacy Laws and the Not for Profits

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th June 2000 -  The Fundraising Institute of Australia is looking at adopting a privacy code of conduct for the Not for Profit sector in the wake of the introduction of new Privacy Legislation into…

Grant Seekers Go Online

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th June 2000 -  Perpetual Trustees’ venture into Australia’s first Online Grant Seeker Service has had an incredible response. Five hundred (500) of the total five hundred and fifty applications…

Celebrities and Charities- How can we get together

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th June 2000 -  Looking for ways to raise the profile of Charities and Not for Profits is always challenging and the idea of using a high profile ‘name’ can work wonders but how can you find these celebrities?…

The Science of Giving

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th June 2000 -  Here’s something to ponder. A team of Swiss evolutionary biologists have conducted an experiment that demonstrates the key role that public recognition plays in motivating people…

Corporate Citizenship Research Unit

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th June 2000 -  On the other side of the ‘giving’ coin, a strong corporate responsibility can only be developed through effective communication between business, the community and…

National Community Link Awards 2000

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 17th May 2000 -  Are you a local sporting club, rescue unit, service club conservation group or any volunteer group that could use $15,000? Well nominations are now being accepted for the National…
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