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Lawyer Warns On ‘For-Profit’ Syndrome

Staff Reporter, Monday, 3rd September 2001 -  “A dollar at any cost” is not worth it if you lose the “essence” of your organisation according to a Melbourne lawyer and expert in governance issues relating to the Not for Profit sector.…

National Young Lawyer Awards for Community Work

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th August 2001 -  The Australian Young Lawyers Committee of the Law Council of Australia is looking for nominations for this year’s 2001 Young Lawyer Awards. And going on past winners there is some…

Social Entrepreneurs Network Gets CEO

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th August 2001 -  The Social Entrepreneurs Network has appointed its first Chief Executive Officer, giving Jane Sloan a brief to develop the network in Australia and New Zealand over the next two years.…

Embracing the Poverty Challenge

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th August 2001 -  The President of World Bank James Wolfensohn mesmerised a capacity crowd in Sydney this month at a dinner hosted by Opportunity International Australia. Wolfensohn focused on globalisation…

Dalai Lama Tour 2002

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th August 2001 -  ‘Happiness in a Material World’ His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, will be in Australia from 16-27 May, 2002. The comprehensive national tour will include major events in Perth, Adelaide,…

Fundraising from Canada of All Places!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th August 2001 -  Canada, with a population of 31 million, has a generous tradition of philanthropy and the locals are not averse to looking at the needs of the world outside its borders! That’s the advice…

Victorian Premier’s Philanthropy Push

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th August 2001 -  Victoria’s Labor Premier, Steve Bracks, says his government is looking at new ways to best engage the philanthropic and corporate sectors in community building. The Premier hosted…

The Partnership ‘Scorecard’

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th August 2001 -  The Not for Profit sector is acutely aware of the “triple bottom line” for business and just what the corporate world wants to get out of a partnership with the community…but just how…

Victorian ICAA Awards

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th August 2001 -  The Institute of Chartered Accountants is calling for nominations for the Victorian State Chair’s Young Professional Community Service Award. For organisations who are dealing…

Australian Non Profit Leadership Summit

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th August 2001 -  According to MS Australia Not for Profit leaders have little time to consider how they as Directors and Chief Executives can address and respond to the changing environment in which…

Goodbye to Stegley -The Legacy Lives On

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th August 2001 -  After 25 years of progressive philanthropy, The Stegley Foundation may have officially closed its doors but its legacy of good works are not about to fade from the scene. The ‘official’…

Celebrity Face for Marie Stopes Australia

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th August 2001 -  While it is not always easy to find a well-known face to promote your organisation in the public arena, Marie Stopes International appears to be on a celebrity ‘high’ with the announcement…
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