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International Volunteer Day ‘Wrap’ Celebrations

Staff Reporter, Monday, 10th December 2001 -  The International Year of Volunteers has officially ended with well-deserved celebrations down-under as well as worldwide. The finale event was in Canberra on December 5th at the…

Inaugural Ethical Investment Awards

Staff Reporter, Monday, 10th December 2001 -  Paddy Manning’s Ethical Investor Magazine with Ron Clarke’s Centre for the Encouragement of Philanthropy in Australia have announced the winners of two new Australian awards —…

National ‘Legal Pro Bono’ Resource Centre

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th November 2001 -  The Federal Government has announced that a consortium lead by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) has been selected to establish and run a National Legal Pro Bono Resource…

A Peak Body? The Debate Continues!

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th November 2001 -  Many Not for Profits are looking for more information about just what a Peak Body for the entire third sector would involve. In fact 21% of those who voted on our on-line Instant Poll…

Annual ‘Giving’ Surveys

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th November 2001 -  Annual ‘Giving’ surveys by charity experts reveal that Not for Profits are expecting tougher times ahead with many experiencing mixed fortunes in the previous twelve months. And…

Call for More Private Philanthropy

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th November 2001 -  The recipient of the 2001 Ramaciotti medal for excellence in biomedical research, Professor Grant Sutherland, has called for more private philanthropy to boost Australian medical…

Breaking Down the ‘Digital Divide’

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th November 2001 -  Key representatives from Telstra, the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) and academia are taking steps towards reducing the “digital divide” by meeting to discuss the…

From Philanthropy to Social Investment

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th November 2001 -  Swinburne University of Technology is hosting a high-powered seminar in Melbourne later this month as part of its launch of the Asia Pacific Centre for Philanthropy and Social Investment.…

New Victorian Fundraising Legislation Becomes Law

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th November 2001 -  New fundraising legislation to reduce ‘red tape’ for smaller charities, while cracking down on unscrupulous operators has been passed by the Victorian Parliament.…

Australian Entrepreneur of the Year -Profile

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th November 2001 -  Australian entrepreneurs are not only gaining recognition for their talented business acumen these days but also for their community involvement. The Inaugural Australian Entrepreneur…

Not For Profit ‘Peak Body’! To Be or Not to Be?

David Crosbie, Monday, 12th November 2001 -  Does Australia’s large and diverse third sector need a Peak Body to represent ALL its interests and provide a point of reference for ALL Government interaction and liaison? Our Pro…

Volunteers ‘Give’ More -US Research

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th November 2001 -  A comprehensive study of giving and volunteering in the United States by the INDEPENDENT SECTOR shows that nearly nine out of ten (89% of) American families gave charitable contributions…
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