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GreenNet Program to Raise Community Funds

Staff Reporter, Monday, 3rd June 2002 -  A new community phone program called GreenNet is set to become a major earner for community groups by the end of the year according to Earth Share Australia. The program has been extended…

Communications, Arts & Sport

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st May 2002 -  The 2002-03 Federal Budget says it is continuing to strengthen the communications, arts and sport sectors in Australia. The Government Budget papers says it is working to ensure…

PM’s Community Business Partnership Take 2

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 21st May 2002 -  The Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership (PMCBP) was given funding in the Federal Budget for the next three years, but the partnership will operate in a much changed…

Funding Volunteering

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st May 2002 -  In celebration of Volunteers Week and as part of the Federal Budget, Community Services Minister Amanda Vanstone announced funding of $1.6 million over four years to Volunteering…

Australians Working Together – Government Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st May 2002 -  A key platform of the Government’s welfare reform funding is the implementation of Australians Working Together… and with this policy of modernising the welfare system has…

Welfare Funding – The NFP Reaction

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st May 2002 -  In a week of budget deliveries and back-downs, claims and counter-claims, the Not for Profit sector is digesting the Howard / Costello 2002 Budget. As Budget comments go, the reaction…

Child Protection & Volunteer Screening

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th May 2002 -  This week is National Volunteer Week and one issue gaining attention is the added number of unfamiliar complexities and obligations for community organisations under new child…

Social Ventures Australia

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th May 2002 -  Social Ventures Australia (SVA) is a new initiative designed to support the accelerated development of high impact social ventures in Australia. SVA has been founded and funded…

Charity Mail Delivered with a Stamp Price Hike!

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th May 2002 -  Australia Post’s long-awaited Not for Profit postage concession deal called ‘Charity Mail’ has finally been delivered –at the same time that it announces the price of general postage…

Inspired Partnership With Bristol-Myers Squibb

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th May 2002 -  It has taken more than a year of planning and negotiation for a project that sees young Australians as the beneficiaries of a partnership between the Inspire Foundation and the pharmaceutical…

Electronic Networking 2002 – Building Community

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th May 2002 -  The latest in electronic community networking across Australia, New Zealand and beyond will be showcased in a community networking conference in Melbourne in July. Monash University’s…

Bigfoot or Not?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 9th May 2002 -  Does Your Ecological Footprint Matter? There is only one Earth, and we all need it to live well. How can we be sure we don’t use more than nature can replace? Now there’s…
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