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‘Fund-A-Thon’ : The Fundraising Game on the Net

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th June 2002 -  If you think there is nothing new in fundraising then think again… one American Not for Profit has embarked on a unique web-based fundraising game called “Fund-A-Thon”…

Business Needs the Arts

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th June 2002 -  According to the Director of the National Gallery of Australia, Brian Kennedy, everyone wins when the arts and business join forces. Business gains the creativity and imagination…

Australia Tops Global Survey

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th June 2002 -  A global survey has found slow progress from Governments on implementing the Sustainable Consumption Guidelines for Consumer Protection. However, Australia has topped the list…

Big Boost for Social Entrepreneurs

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 13th June 2002 -  Newly formed Social Ventures Australia has released details of its BIG BOOST! business plan challenge. As Pro Bono Australia reported last month (Vol 5 edition 9) SVA is an initiative…

Sustained Culture of Giving – Givewell Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 13th June 2002 -  Australia has a new sustained culture of giving according to an interim 2002 statistical report from Givewell. The first release of charity funding statistics for the 2000-2001…

Network for Online Legal Info

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 13th June 2002 -  Increased use of the Internet to deliver legal information and services to the community has resulted in the formation of a new network. The Online Legal Information Network (OLIN)…

Legal Resource Centre Looks for a Director

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 13th June 2002 -  The National Pro Bono Resource Centre, to be established in Sydney in association with PIAC, PILCH and other partners, is looking for a Director. Advertisements have appeared in…

Australia Tops Global Survey

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 13th June 2002 -  A global survey has found slow progress from Governments on implementing the Sustainable Consumption Guidelines for Consumer Protection. However, Australia has topped the list…

Business Needs the Arts

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 13th June 2002 -  According to the Director of the National Gallery of Australia, Brian Kennedy, everyone wins when the arts and business join forces. Business gains the creativity and imagination…

Charitable Bequest Research Project in Australia

Staff Reporter, Monday, 3rd June 2002 -  Charities and other fundraising organisations are invited to subscribe to a wills and bequest fundraising survey, the aim of which is to establish the patterns of behaviour of Australians…

CIVICUS Survey – September 11

Staff Reporter, Monday, 3rd June 2002 -  CIVICUS, the world alliance for citizen participation is calling on Australian Not for Profits to take part in a survey of the impact of September 11 on civil society organisations…

Springboard for Young Australians

Staff Reporter, Monday, 3rd June 2002 -  Young Australians are set to benefit to the tune of $650,000 with the announcement of Springboard Grants from The Foundation for Young Australians. The Foundation is calling for…
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