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Plain Language Law – Via E-mail

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st July 2002 -  Plain Language Law is a free online newsletter published by the Law and Justice Foundation of NSW for anyone interested in keeping abreast of plain language legal information and…

Promoting Venture Philanthropy

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st July 2002 -  Some observers say that venture philanthropy is no more than a new term for describing existing methods of philanthropy and social investment. Is this so, or does it offer new opportunities…

Digital Divide – Get Involved!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st July 2002 -  Do you have a Digital Divide project that can make a difference? Cisco Systems in Australia are encouraging organisations in the Not for Profit, government and the For Profit sectors…

W.A.Aims to Update Charity Fundraising Laws

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st July 2002 -  The Government of Western Australian has recognised the need to update existing legislation regulating the charitable sector and moving into line with recent changes made by other…

Volunteering gets the Final Wrap

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st July 2002 -  Six months after the successful conclusion to the International Year of Volunteering (IYV) organising committees, participants, governments and world authorities are finally…

New peak Body to Focus on Police

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st July 2002 -  A new peak body called the Victorian Criminal Justice Coalition has been established to keep a watching brief on the operation of police, courts and correctional services. The group’s…

Corporate Community Partnership Short Circuits!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st July 2002 -  When a Not for Profit takes on a corporate giant in the media…sparks are sure to fly…and one ‘current’ case is showing how perceptions about not being a good corporate…

Churches Cooperate to Undertake Major Review

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st July 2002 -  The faithful are remaining faithful….and six out of ten church-goers agree that their local church is always willing to try something new. This is one finding from the 2001 National…

FIA Internet Fundraising Workshop

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st July 2002 -  The constantly changing face of technology and the internet has far-reaching implications for everyone- including Not for Profit organisations and donors. Pro Bono Australia…

Foundations for the Future

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th June 2002 -  The scale and pace of change for philanthropic foundations at the turn of the 21st century is unprecedented. And according to social researcher Dr. Lucy Bernholz it is as important…

Network for Online Legal Info

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th June 2002 -  Increased use of the Internet to deliver legal information and services to the community has resulted in the formation of a new network. The Online Legal Information Network (OLIN)…

Big Boost for Social Entrepreneurs

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th June 2002 -  Newly formed Social Ventures Australia has released details of its BIG BOOST! business plan challenge. As Pro Bono Australia reported last month (Vol 5 edition 9) SVA is an initiative…
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