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“Help” – Smart Business Hints for Not For Profits

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th August 2002 -  Experience shows that community groups, Australian Not for Profit organisations generally need more practical business assistance in the day to day running of their operations…

Sustainability Reporting Made Easy!

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th August 2002 -  A new web-based tool to report on environmental and social performance by Australia’s top 300 listed companies is about to make sustainability reporting easy. The architect…

Pre-Tax Donations for Payroll Giving

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th August 2002 -  Charity Aid Foundation (CAF) Australia says a recent decision from the Australian Taxation Office will give employees throughout Australia the opportunity to give to their favourite…

Anglicare’s Top 100 Companies

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th August 2002 -  Church based charity ANGLICARE has produced a unique Top 100 list of businesses large and small that are keen to encourage staff generosity and show concern for the community. Unlike…

Voice Portal – Internet for the Blind

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th August 2002 -  A Sydney computer expert is developing Australia’s first voice portal that offers access to the Internet via a standard telephone. In the first instance it has enormous scope…

Third Sector ‘Round Table’ Kicks Off

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th August 2002 -  A Peak Body for the Australian Third Sector in the form of a ‘round table’ will be a reality within three months! That’s the prediction of NSW Community Services Commissioner…

AbaF Business Arts Partnership Awards

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th August 2002 -  Prime Minister John Howard presented the Australia Business Arts Foundation’s (AbaF) top business arts partnership awards in Melbourne this month in a climate of renewed…

State of Philanthropy 2002 -US Style

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th August 2002 -  Not For Profit leaders in the US are suggesting greater Foundation responsibility and increased funding for advocacy, equality and core operations in it’s first State of…

Sustainability Reporting Made Easy!

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th August 2002 -  A new web-based tool to report on environmental and social performance by Australia’s top 300 listed companies is about to make sustainability reporting easy! The architect of the…

Expert Draws Attention to Families & Communities

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th August 2002 -  When international expert on evaluating family services programs, Mark Friedman, hits Australian shores in October he’ll have his work cut out for him. A director of The Fiscal…

New “Youth Council” Takes on Legislators

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th August 2002 -  A new national children’s organisation has taken on the Victorian Government as one of its first battles and appears to have already had a victory. The Australian Council for…

Not For Profits Have Their Say On Child Detention

Staff Reporter, Friday, 26th July 2002 -  Some 11 more Not for Profits have made submissions into the National Inquiry into Children In Immigration Detention in the areas of health and disability. These submissions were…
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