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Spastic Centres’ ‘$2 for you’ Campaign

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th November 2002 -  Hot on the heels of Earth Share, the Spastic Centres of SA Foundation have launched a new fundraising campaign to encourage all South Australian workers to donate just $2 each pay to…

O’Keefe and Partners – Advertorial

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th November 2002 -   GIVING TRENDS IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND
O’Keefe and Partners have again conducted research to gain a current understanding on the corporate and individual giving trends…

New “Share As You Earn” Campaign

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th November 2002 -  It may just take the misfortunes of a TV wombat to encourage Australians to “Share As You Earn” in a new campaign by the Earth Share Australia Foundation. Australians…

2003 Minerals Council Scholarships

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th November 2002 -  Young Indigenous students are invited to apply for the 2003 Minerals Council Scholarships under Guidelines released by the Minerals Council of Australia and The Foundation for…

Community Technology Centres

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th November 2002 -  Nine regional communities throughout NSW will now benefit from a Commonwealth Government investment of more than $1.4 million to establish and operate Community Technology Centres…

‘The Giving Spirit ‘- Special Australian Women

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st October 2002 -  The Giving Spirit is the title of a new publication bringing messages of hope and inspiration to the Australian community through the stories of other special organisations and people…

Tackling Poverty -Opportunity Squandered

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st October 2002 -  Governments have squandered the opportunities offered by Australia’s decade of economic growth to effectively tackle poverty in this country- that’s the message…

Technology & Community Work – Who’s Driving Who?

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st October 2002 -  Today many Not for Profits are asking just what can they do with the new information and communication technology (ICT)? According to a leading US researcher this is the wrong question.…

Turning Nonprofit Fantasies Into Cold Hard Cash!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st October 2002 -  “Turning Nonprofit Fantasies Into Cold, Hard Cash” is the title of a one-day seminar being conducted by internationally acclaimed consultant Dr. Richard Steckel…

Report on Assessing Good Works

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st October 2002 -  The US Independent Sector group has released a comprehensive report on the state of Not for Profits’ efforts to measure their organisational effectiveness. While outcome measurement…

New Office-Bearers? – Advising the Tax Office

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st October 2002 -  Many Not for Profit organisations elect office bearers for an annual term, and their authorised contact people often change from year to year but many neglect to inform the Tax Office.…

Review of Internet Content Regulations

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 16th October 2002 -  The Federal Government has released an Issues Paper seeking public and industry comment on the regulation of Internet content in Australia. The review of Online Co-Regulatory Regulatory…
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