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Community Foundations Make Their Mark!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd December 2002 -  Overseas experience has shown community foundations to be alive and well and playing a key role in a nation’s philanthropic process. They are still relatively new here but…

Christmas Spirit On The Net – The Tithing Tree

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd December 2002 -  The spirit of Christmas has been given a new twist this year with the smaller Not for Profits being the yuletide beneficiaries of a new initiative called The Tithing Tree. The Internet…

Privacy Health Information

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd December 2002 -  The Federal Privacy Commissioner has released a new health information privacy brochure which clarifies Australians’ privacy rights when it comes to their personal health…

McDonald’s Claims World’s Biggest Fundraiser

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd December 2002 -  With a headline that says ” McDonald’s to Host Global Fundraiser – More Than 100 Countries to Participate in Unprecedented World Children’s Day Event”…

National Bank’s Volunteer Awards 2002

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd December 2002 -  Australian’s are also honouring their volunteer organisations this month! The National Australia Bank has announced the winners of their annual CommunityLink Volunteer…

Young Volunteers Report and IYV Day 2002

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd December 2002 -  As we look to celebrating International Volunteers Day (Dec 5th) a new US report on the lifelong impact of youth service has found adults who began volunteering at a young age are twice…

Housekeeping – Christmas Give-away

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd December 2002 -  Thanks to those readers who discussed the Sun Microsystems vs Microsoft story from our last edition on our Forum. Sun has provided the following response to a reader’s queries about…

2003 Pro Bono Directory

Staff Reporter, Monday, 25th November 2002 -  The 2003 Pro Bono Australia Directory of Not for Profit Organisations is now being distributed to 50,000 solicitors, financial advisers, accountants and philanthropic trusts…

Social Justice in Asia Pacific Region

Staff Reporter, Monday, 18th November 2002 -  The first Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE) Regional Conference is being held at the University of Sydney on 9-11 December 2002. The theme of the conference is Social Justice…

Software Competition Helps Not for Profits

Staff Reporter, Monday, 18th November 2002 -  Attempts to break the computer software stronghold of Microsoft worldwide as well as its advanced community program has seen Sun Microsystems go all out to attract Not for Profits…

Crash Course in Sponsorship- Advertorial

Staff Reporter, Monday, 18th November 2002 -  If you need a crash course in sponsorship here’s a fast and cheap way to get the latest information available. As part of their commitment to Australia’s Not for Profit community,…

“Big Boost” Finalists Get Serious

Staff Reporter, Monday, 18th November 2002 -  Social Ventures Australia’s ‘Getting Serious’ stage of its BIG BOOST business-plan challenge is on track with the announcement of ten finalists who have already…
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