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International Corporate Conscience Awards

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd January 2003 -  The International Corporate Conscience Awards recognises companies that respect the rights of workers and the community. Does you corporation fit the bill for the 2003 awards?…

Top Ten Questions Before Donating

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd January 2003 -  Many charitable organisations will be embarking on major gift campaigns in 2003 – some for the first time. And while your organisations considers its ability to give making sure you…

Organisational Change Corporate Sustainability

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd January 2003 -  What is sustainable development and why is it suddenly so important? Three Australian experts have the answers in a new publication that offers a guide to leaders and change agents…

Peak Body Roundtable Looks to Constitution

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd January 2003 -  A National Roundtable for the Third Sector is expected to adopt a constitution next month in a process that interim chairman, Robert Fitzgerald AM says has occurred in a surprisingly…

Corporate Communications Summit 2003 – Advertorial

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd January 2003 -  How can communication add value to your organisation? And how can you develop a Corporate Citizenship framework or an effective reputation management tool? These are just a few of…

Recycled Products – How Green Is Your Business?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd January 2003 -  The Buy Recycled Business Alliance (BRBA) has carried out a survey that reveals attitudes towards the purchase and use of recycled content products (RCPs) among 250 decision makers…

Future of Third Sector Research

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd January 2003 -  Australia urgently needs a much more detailed examination of the Third Sector according to a Sydney researcher who is now in consultation with the Australian Bureau of Statistics.…

‘Barriers to Employment’ Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th January 2003 -  A report launched in Melbourne last week says it identifies a serious threat to communities of disadvantaged families who could become permanently socially excluded from society…

Telstra Foundation Funds Aussie Kids

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th January 2003 -  A study to help understand childhood obesity is among the projects that will share in $3.6 million granted by the Telstra Foundation in its aim to improve the lives of Aussie kids. The…

Implementing A Major Gifts Program – Advertorial

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th January 2003 -  Brisbane and Sydney will be the locations for one–day seminars in March to help organisations large and small to establish a Major Gifts program. The seminars will be presented by…

US Funders Look to Australia

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th January 2003 -  It seems that Australian researchers are flavour of the month with American philanthropists, with two major funders donating to projects down under since the New Year. The once anonymous…

Graphic Design Offer to NFP’s

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th January 2003 -  A lecturer in graphic design and new media at the University of Wollongong is looking to give his students some practical experience as well as helping out Not for Profits at the same…
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