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CEO Report Card on Social Role

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th February 2003 -  International companies are taking their environmental and social commitments more seriously, according to a survey of top CEOs released by the World Economic Forum. The report,…

Effective Philanthropy Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th February 2003 -  Australia’s top companies are giving less to the community according to a new report into Effective Philanthropy which shows a fall in donations of 8% in 2001/02. However,…

Workplace Giving Gains Momentum

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th February 2003 -  Charities and Not for Profit groups stand to get a $200M funding boost following the recent changes by the Tax Office making it easier for Australians to donate, according to the Australian…

Welfare Agencies On The Edge

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th February 2003 -  Despite delivering more services to more people, higher costs and heavy demand are forcing community welfare agencies to turn more people away. Many services are struggling to meet…

eGive – Affordable On Line Donation Management

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th February 2003 -  Earth Share Australia has launched a timely Internet portal that should take the frustration out of organising online donations for a vast number of small and medium Not for Profits.…

Direct Mail – Still A Winner

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th February 2003 -  A recent study has found that direct mail is successfully holding off the challenge posed by the Internet as Australia’s preferred marketing media. Australia Post sponsored an independent…

National Broadband Strategy Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th February 2003 -  A national strategy across all levels of Government and business and industry sectors should be adopted to make Australia a world leader in the effective development and use of broadband…

Revenue Rise With Call Centre “Predictive Dialler”

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th February 2003 -  Taking a punt on the latest in “call centre technology” has provided a financial windfall for the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (RIDBC. The installation…

Leading Non-Profit Organisations – Advertorial

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th February 2003 -  The Third Sector is growing in response to changes in government services and growing community concern about social responsibility and sustainability. However, a typically under-resourced…

Public Liability Insurance – What Now in 2003

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th February 2003 -  For almost eighteen months many thousands of Not for Profits around the country have been grappling with huge premium increases in Public Liability insurance and in many cases refusals…

ShareGift -The UK Experience

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th February 2003 -  A UK charity that collects unwanted shares and donates the money to other registered charities called ShareGift will be under the spotlight in Sydney next month. Elizabeth Cham,…

Controlling the .ORG Domain

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th February 2003 -  A new, Not for Profit corporation called the Public Interest Registry (PIR) has been created to manage the .ORG domain on the Internet with the aim to educate and empower the community…
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