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Perpetual’s Charitable Gift Fund

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th April 2003 -  Perpetual Trustees has developed a philanthropic trust for Australians who want to set up ‘no fuss’ enduring charitable support without the top-dollar investment. Jan Cochrane-Harry,…

eBay & MissionFish Charity Agreement

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th April 2003 -  One of the world’s largest online auction sites, eBay, has signed an agreement with MissionFish, the Not for Profit auction experts, to make it easier for buyers and sellers…


Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th April 2003 -  Eureka Street – A Change of Direction The award-winning magazine of Australian art, theology and public affairs, Eureka Street, is taking a change of direction after twelve successful…

The Arts- They Matter More Than We Think!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th April 2003 -  The profile to emerge from Some Australian Arts Statistics, published by the Australia Council today, shows that Australians love their arts. They are hungry for cinema, reading,…

The Financial Review Magazine Awards-New Focus ’03

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th April 2003 -  The Australian Financial Review Magazine’s Sponsorship Awards has undergone a name change. From 2003, the awards will be known as The AFR Magazine Corporate Partnership Awards.…

Corporate “Switch” for Charity

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th April 2003 -  Two of Melbourne's larger corporate offices were a little quieter recently when over 270 employee volunteers from Esso and Mobil swapped their suits for work-boots in a unique…

National Pro Bono Legal Centre – Now Online!

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th April 2003 -  The National Pro Bono Resource Centre is now up and running with its new headquarters in Sydney and the first stage of its Internet web site. The Centre’s brief is to support and…

“Business In The Community” In Australia?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th April 2003 -  A seminar in Melbourne this month revealed a growing interest in setting up a Business in the Community (BITC) based on the UK model here in Australia. Called Employee Volunteering:…

Corporate Responsibility Index -UK

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th April 2003 -  The UK has taken a significant step forward in the relationship between business, society and the environment with the publication of the first Corporate Responsibility Index.…

Legal Issues In Corporate Citizenship

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th April 2003 -  A new UK report has highlighted how legal issues cut across in the entire corporate citizenship agenda – and throws up the challenges and implications for business management and…

AbaF Business Arts Awards 2003

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th April 2003 -  Nominations are now open for the Australian Business Arts Foundation (AbaF) Awards 2003 which highlight the importance of improving the business and management skills of arts organisations.…

Greyhounds Lure Community Groups

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th April 2003 -  If you are losing inspiration for new or ‘unique’ community partnerships then this little greyhound story from Victoria, which is helping disabled groups, is likely…
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