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Community 1st – Advertorial

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th May 2003 -  Community 1st has been set up as a catalyst for adventurous people who want to make a difference and it’s the brainchild of social entrepreneur Nic Frances, the Executive Director…

United Way Launches Services To National Companies

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th May 2003 -  Ten United Way affiliate CEOs from across Australia gathered in Sydney recently to launch United Way’s National Services Program. United Way Sydney CEO, Bill Downing says the initiative…

US & Australian Internet Giving Survey

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th May 2003 -  In an Australian first, Pro Bono Australia has partnered with the USA’s Internet Philanthropy organisation, e-Philanthropy Foundation to carry out an international survey…

Perpetual’s Charitable Gift Fund

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th May 2003 -  Perpetual Trustees has developed a philanthropic trust for Australians who want to set up ‘no fuss’ enduring charitable support without the top-dollar investment. Jan Cochrane-Harry,…

O’Keefe & Partners Direct Mail Tips – Advertorial

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th May 2003 -  O’Keefe & Partners senior management team have just completed the second in a series of seminars aimed at the Not for Profit sector. With a combined experience of more than 40…

FTSE4Good -New Human Rights Criteria

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th May 2003 -  The global index provider FTSE Group has set a new, more stringent set of human rights criteria for the socially responsible index series called FTSE4Good. The change is part of its…

US & Australian Internet Giving Survey

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th May 2003 -  In an Australian first, Pro Bono Australia has partnered with the USA’s Internet Philanthropy organisation, ePhilanthropy Foundation to carry out an international survey…

Giving It Away – In Praise of Philanthropy

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th May 2003 -  The word ‘philanthropy’ is not often heard around the Australian dinner table. So how many of us give back to our communities, and how do we go about it? Melbourne researcher and author…

Community Networking Experts Down Under

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th May 2003 -  UK-US developers of a far reaching initiative called Making the Net Work which is specifically aimed at the Not for Profit sector are heading down under and kicking off with a public…

SEN Indigenous National Forum & Government Summit

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th May 2003 -  The Social Entrepreneurs Network is running two events in Canberra this month – a Forum to search for ideas to foster indigenous social business and enterprise; followed by…

Let IS make IT work for your organisation

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th May 2003 -  The Department of Information Systems at The University of Melbourne is calling for proposals for IT projects for final year student teams, to run in semester 2, 2003. The industry…


Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th May 2003 -  SVA INSTITUTE ESSENTIALS SERIES – Advertorial
Equipping organisations for success The SVA Institute is running a unique event in Sydney next month to bring essential resources…
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