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Understanding the Media -Crisis or No Crisis

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th June 2003 -  Several Not for Profits have received what many may describe as a ‘caning’ in the media recently. Some organisations should have known better and others simply need…

“Harm Prevention Charities” – New DGR Category

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th June 2003 -  The second of the Federal Government’s announced changes to the tax laws as it relates to Charities sees the creation of a new type of deductible gift recipient called “Harm…

Telecommunications Toolkit

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th June 2003 -  Telephone and Internet users will be able to make better choices on appropriate services and be more informed on consumer safeguards following the launch of two new telecommunications…

Response to the Federal Budget – ACOSS

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th May 2003 -  The May Federal Budget was possibly Peter Costello’s last as Federal Treasurer according to some political pundits but has he delivered in the area of social welfare. According…

Volunteer Week – A Time to Regroup

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th May 2003 -  This year’s National Volunteer Week celebrations in May provided a timely opportunity to reflect and regroup as traditional volunteer organisations assess their recruitment…

Community 1st – Discussion and Interaction

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th May 2003 -  Community 1st has been set up as a catalyst for adventurous people who want to make a difference and it’s the brainchild of social entrepreneur Nic Frances, the Executive Director…

Victorian Community Insurance Scheme Optimistic

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th May 2003 -  Over eight hundred Victorian community organisations are anxiously awaiting the response from International brokers to the Victorian Government’s recently announced insurance…

Philanthropy & Social Investment- Grad Certificate

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th May 2003 -  Enrolments are now being accepted for the Graduate Certificate of Social Science (Philanthropy and Social Investment) to be conducted by the Asia-Pacific Centre for Philanthropy…

UK Survey On Bequests

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th May 2003 -  Over a third of 50-65 year olds in the UK believe that charities are vital, yet few realise that money left to charities in wills is important, according to new research by Remember A…

BisiNetwork – Linking Youth With Business

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th May 2003 -  Australia’s online counselling service for young people, Kids Help Line has developed a new stand alone Not for Profit organisation that links socially responsible businesses…

FTSE4Good – New Human Rights Criteria

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th May 2003 -  The global index provider FTSE Group has set a new, more stringent set of human rights criteria for the socially responsible index series called FTSE4Good. The change is part of its…

Philanthropy Australia – Grantmaking Essentials

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th May 2003 -  Corporate grantmakers have the opportunity to take part in two professional development seminars in Sydney and Melbourne next month presented by the peak body for the national philanthropic…
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