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Noisy Charities ‘At Risk’ When Lobbying Government

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th August 2003 -  Debate about whether the Federal Government is planning to gag charities by taking away tax exemptions from any organisations that tried to influence government policy caused a…

Poverty Debate – The Irish Experience

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th August 2003 -  This year’s St Vincent de Paul Society’s Ozanam Lecture in Melbourne entitled “The Irish Approach to Combating Poverty” was given by the Director of Ireland’s Combat Poverty…

Migrant Guide to Australian law

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th August 2003 -  A new Internet initiative will help migrants understand Australian law and the role of police. The guide to help newly arrived migrants understand their rights and responsibilities…

National Sponsorship Marketing Conference

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th August 2003 -  Need to hear about sponsorships from those active within the industry? Looking for an opportunity to rub shoulders with decision makers of sponsorship? The Australasian Sponsorship…

Council Shines with Business Arts Partnership

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th August 2003 -  Stonnington Council in Melbourne has gained recognition as the role model for local councils throughout Australia when it comes to facilitating and promoting successful arts business…

Community Legal Centres Funding Boost

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th August 2003 -  The Commonwealth Government has recently provided a funding boost to all of its community legal centres around Australia. The Government currently funds over 120 community legal…

Oz Business Arts Foundation Awards Finalists

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st July 2003 -  New companies, niche organisations, and local initiatives are among those selected as finalists in the 2003 AbaF Awards. Finalists include Gatecrasher Advertising and the new…

Not for Profit Communicators Group

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st July 2003 -  The world of the media, public relations and communications can be daunting and largely a budgetary afterthought in many smaller Australian Not for Profits. Now a Not for Profit Communicators…

New Zealand Philanthropy – What’s in it for us?

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st July 2003 -  Culturally and geographically New Zealand is our closest neighbour, but apart from sheep, scenery and rugby, few of us know much about it, especially the philanthropic scene in NZ.…

New Tax Legislation On Cash Donations

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st July 2003 -  The third of the Government’s announced changes to the tax laws in response to the Report of the inquiry into the definition of charities has been tabled in Federal Parliament allowing…

Donations Via Mobile SMS – Text Appeal!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st July 2003 -  If there’s nothing new in fundraising here’s an idea that’s ringing a few bells for the embattled Australian Not for Profit – donations made via mobile…

PM Calls for New Ideas in Philanthropy

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st July 2003 -  The Prime Minister through his Community Business Partnership group is keen to hear from the Australian community about new ideas for encouraging philanthropy. The group is calling…
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