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When Charities Refuse a Gift – Givewell Survey

Staff Reporter, Monday, 15th September 2003 -  A survey by the Givewell Research Centre shows that many Australian charities won’t accept gifts or sponsorship from just anyone – some money is considered ‘dirty’…

Weddings, Birthdays…Charities

Staff Reporter, Monday, 15th September 2003 -  Australian charities are benefiting from couples who are choosing to marry later in life or for a second time – where wedding bells now don’t have to mean more unwanted…

GoVolunteer Attracting New Volunteers-Advertorial

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 2nd September 2003 -  The Internet is fast becoming the first choice for people who need information. A new survey by Volunteering Australia shows the success of the Internet in recruiting new volunteers…

Life Chances – Brotherhood of St. Laurence Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 2nd September 2003 -  A long-term study, tracking children born into low and high-income families has revealed some families are remaining trapped in poverty despite a decade of economic growth in Australia.…

Second National Pro Bono Legal Conference

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 2nd September 2003 -  The National Pro Bono Resource Centre in collaboration with the Public Law Clearing Houses in NSW, QLD and VIC are hosting the Second National Pro Bono Conference in Sydney in October.…

Cultural Gifts Celebrated in Online Gallery

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 2nd September 2003 -  General Douglas MacArthur’s fishing dinghy, Muriel’s wedding dress, a Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton and works of art by Fred Williams are among the treasures collected…

One-Stop E-Security Portal

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 2nd September 2003 -  Computer users battling computer viruses, spam and fraud have a new tool in their armoury after the launch of a one-stop e-security portal supported by Federal Government funding.…

Beacon Highlights Youth Unemployment-Profile

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 2nd September 2003 -  When the No Dole Program began at Launceston’s Brooks High School in 1995, the impact was almost instantaneous, halving the number of students heading for the dole queue in the first…

AbaF Awards for Arts Partnerships and Leaders

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 19th August 2003 -  The business arts partnership between Sun Microsystems and Musica Viva is Australia’s best – according to the judges of the 2003 AbaF Awards. The partnership won the AbaF Business…

ResponsePost -New Australia Post Direct Mail Tool

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 19th August 2003 -  ResponsePost is a powerful new tool developed by Australia Post to help improve the accuracy and cost-effectiveness of direct mail responses. A critical issue impacting the performance…

Priority Shift for Telstra Foundation

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 19th August 2003 -  After it first twelve months of operation the Telstra Foundation has decided to shift the focus of the Telstra Community Development Fund grant making to fewer funding areas. Launched…

Secrets Up for Auction

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 19th August 2003 -  Stop the Press: New fundraising idea. Reuters News agency reports that singer Carly Simon is willing to finally reveal who the mysterious subject of her 1972 mega-hit “You’re…
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